This is the back end to the SOLAS Match web application. It is used to process things asynchronously. It connects to the same MySQL DB as the main web application and communicates asynchronously using RabbitMQ. This is an AMQP based message queueing architecture for cross platform IPC. Once the worker daemon has been started it connects to the RabbitMQ server mentioned in the conf file and starts processing any messages found. It is massively parralelised with each consumer running on a different thread. Once a message has been consumed a new thread is launched into a locally managed threadpool to handle the message while the original thread goes back to polling RabbitMQ.
This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007 For full terms see License.txt or
The SOLAS Match Worker Daemon was built using Qt 4.8 on Ubuntu 12.04 but it should work on a cross platform environment.
Reinhard Schäler <>
Coded by:
David O Carroll <>
A number of external libraries are required to run this daemon:
The RabbitMQ C library can be found at:
Follow the instruction in the README file to install.
A wrapper for the RabbitMQ C library can be found at:
The tested version is at commit b5d00628c80e3c4c0c8d6d0e8b272510138a42fd
Follow the instructions in the README to compile.
Once compiled move the library file (.a) to /usr/local/lib
Move the header files (found in ./include/) to /usr/local/include
To install Qxt run: sudo apt-get install libqxt-dev
To install ctemplate run:
- sudo apt-get install libctemplate-dev libctemplate0
To install protobufs:
- Run sudo apt-get install libprotobuf7 protobuf-compiler protobuf-c-compiler libprotobuf-dev
To install QMySQL driver: sudo apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql
- Edit ./conf.ini with your details.
- The database section specifies MySQL DB connection settings
- Enter your MySQL connection settings here.
- The messaging section contains RabbitMQ related connection settings
- Enter your RabbitMQ details here
- The site section is currently unused
- Copy ./conf.ini to /etc/SOLAS-Match/conf.ini
- Also symbolically link the templates directory to /etc/SOLAS-Match/templates
By default the output will be sent to stdout. It is possible to specify a file in conf.ini where all output will be written. Specify the path to the file under site.log. Make sure the file specified is writable, otherwise output will continue to be printed to stdout.
- To edit the source code open the project file ./ in QtCreator.
- Run the project to compile and start it.