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Generate Certificate files for testing purposes

This script is meant to help with the easy creation of a Root Certificate Authority as well as a certificate for client authentication.

Default values:

  • The company name is assumed to be ACME Corp.
  • The certificates are valid by default for 1 year.
  • Root CA uses 2048 bits.
  • Root CA uses sha512 digest.
  • Client Authentication Certificate uses 2048 bits.
  • Client Authentication Certificate uses sha256 digest.

If --ecc argument is present, then the following applies:

  • Root CA uses secp256r1 encryption
  • Root CA uses sha512 digest
  • Client Authentication certificate uses secp256r1 encryption
  • Client Authentication certificate uses sha256 digest.

You can change the company name by using the --companyName argument.


pyopenssl must be installed. To install:

$ python3 -m pip install cryptography==40.0.2 datetime pyasn1 idna


$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--companyName COMPANYNAME] [--generateRootCA] [--generateClientCertificate] [--generatePKCS12]
                               [--nonRestrictiveRootCA] [--ecc] [--dnsName] [--userPrincipalName] [--removeAllCertsAndKeys] [--windowsInstallation]

Certificate Generation v1.10

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --companyName COMPANYNAME
                        Entity/Company name for the certificates.
  --generateRootCA      Generate the Root CA certificate and key. Uses --companyName in certificate creation.
                        Generate the client certificate to use for client authentication.
  --generatePKCS12      generate a PKCS12 type file.
                        Remove Root CA extensions. USE WITH CAUTION.
  --ecc                 Use Elliptic Curves in preference to RSA.
  --dnsName             Add a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for the DNS hostname.
  --userPrincipalName   Add a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) for the Windows User Principal Name (UPN).
                        Removes all files matching wildcard *.crt, *.key, *.p12. USE WITH CAUTION.
                        Displays the installation instructions for Windows


Everytime you run the --generateRootCA or --generateClientCertificate argument, it will _overwrite_ existing files. This can lead to a new Root CA being generated that doesn't match the Client Certificate (if that happened to be run beforehand)

Generate Root CA

$ python3 --companyName "Test123,. Inc" --generateRootCA 
These files are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk.
Root CA certificate filename - root-ca-test-inc.crt
Root CA private key filename - root-ca-test-inc.key

Generate Root CA with PKCS12 file

This will create a p12 file with a randomly generated passphrase (outputted to stdout).

$ python3 --companyName "Test123, Inc" --generateRootCA --generatePKCS12
These files are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk.
Root CA certificate filename - root-ca-test-inc.crt
Root CA private key filename - root-ca-test-inc.key
Password for root-ca-test-inc.p12 is thisisnotreallyapassword

In order to run the below commands, you need to run the --generateRootCA argument first. If the Root CA files haven't been generated, an error like this will appear:

$ python3 --companyName "Test123, Inc" --generateClientCertificate
Root CA public key and private key do not exist.

Generate Client Certificate

$ python3 --companyName "Test123, Inc" --generateClientCertificate
These files are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk.
Client certificate private key filename - client-cert-test-inc.key
Client certificate public key filename - client-cert-test-inc.crt

Generate Client Certificate with PKCS12 file

$ python3 --companyName "Test123, Inc" --generateClientCertificate --generatePKCS12
These files are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk.
Client certificate private key filename - client-cert-test-inc.key
Client certificate public key filename - client-cert-test-inc.crt
Password for client-cert-test-inc.p12 is thisisnotreallyapassword

Generate Client Certificate with PKCS12 file and add Windows Installation Instructions

$ python3 --companyName "Test123, Inc" --generateClientCertificate --generatePKCS12 --windowsInstallation
These files are not meant for production environments. Use at your own risk.
Client certificate private key filename - client-cert-test-inc.key
Client certificate public key filename - client-cert-test-inc.crt
Password for client-cert-test-inc.p12 is thisisnotreallyapassword
Windows Installation (from the directory where files are stored):
To install Client Authentication certificate into User certificate store (in both cases, click yes to install Root CA as well):
C:\>certutil -importpfx -f -user -p thisisnotreallyapassword client-cert-test-inc.p12 NoExport

To install certificate into Local Machine certificate store:
C:\>certutil -importpfx -f -Enterprise -p thisisnotreallyapassword client-cert-test-inc.p12 NoExport

Generate Client Certificate with DNSName or userPrincipalName in Subject Alternative Name (SAN)

Make sure to edit the field first (under def certificateMetaData):

$ python3 --companyName "Test123 Inc" --generateClientCertificate --generatePKCS12 --dnsName


Make sure to edit the field first (under def certificateMetaData):

$ python3 --companyName "Test123 Inc" --generateClientCertificate --generatePKCS12 --userPrincipalName

Remove files generated by script

To remove all files generated by the script

$ python --removeAllCertsAndKeys

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WARNING - editing this below is at your own risk. There is no error checking by changing these values and the script will throw back an error if they're not properly defined.

My recommendation is to leave the following fields:

Under RootCertificateAuthority.json

  • CN
  • companyName
  • extensions

Under ClientCertificate.json

  • CN
  • extensions

If you'd like to edit how the certificates are generated, there are 2 files that can be edited.

Sample RootCertificateAuthority.json

    "oid": {
        "CN": null,
        "companyName": null,
        "organizationalUnit": "Client Authentication CA",
        "locality": null,
        "stateOrProvince": null,
        "organizationName": null,
        "countryName": null,
        "domainComponent": [null]
    "rsa": {
        "rsa_bits": 2048,
        "digest": "sha512"
    "ecc": {
        "curve": "secp256r1",
        "digest": "sha512"
    "extensions": {
        "keyUsage": ["digitalSignature", "nonRepudiation", "keyCertSign"],
        "extendedKeyUsage": ["clientAuth"]

Sample ClientAuthentication.json

    "oid": {
        "CN": "Endpoint Client Authentication",
        "organizationalUnit": "Client Authentication",
        "locality": null,
        "stateOrProvince": null,
        "organizationName": null,
        "countryName": null,
        "domainComponent": [null],
        "subjectAlternativeName": {
            "DNSName": null,
            "userPrincipalName": null
    "rsa": {
        "rsa_bits": 2048,
        "digest": "sha256"
    "ecc": {
        "curve": "secp256r1",
        "digest": "sha256"
    "extensions": {
        "keyUsage": ["digitalSignature", "nonRepudiation"],
        "extendedKeyUsage": ["clientAuth"]


Create a Root CA and endpoint client certificate.







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