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An automated media transcoding solution with statistics. By using this container, you assume all risks, and it is recommended to maintain backups. For a better understanding of this containers function and workflow see this diagram.

Transcoding Process and Options

  • This solution comes with preset transcoding options, but if you wish to use your own options, skip to Option 2.
  • The comment metadata is set to an immutable index. This ensures even if the database is lost or filename changed, the file will not be transcoded again.
  • If the transcoded file is larger than the original it will be excluded and the source file remuxed to only update metadata while keeping all media, video, and audio streams.
  • This process will only process and transcode media in *.mp4 & *.mkv containers. All other files will be excluded.

Option 1

  • All transcoded media will have the below parameters applied.
  • All video, audio, and subtitle streams are mapped into transcoded files.
  • Title and Description metadata is removed so that proper metadata is presented in certain 3rd party media servers.
  • CRF quality defaults to 21 for movies and 23 for shows.
  • You can customize the Constant Rate Factor using the environment variables with option 1. See the environment variables section of the readme.
ffmpeg -i <input> -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -metadata title="" -metadata description="" -metadata COMMENT="transcoded" -c:v libx265 -crf <env:variable> -c:a copy -c:s copy -preset veryfast -stats_period 60 <output>

Option 2

  • Option 2 allows for customizing the majority of the applied ffmpeg parameters.
  • You can apply the custom options by saving the below command to files in the mapped data volume /docker-transcodeautomation/data. Use one file for Shows and another for Movies.
    • showscustomoptions.ps1
    • moviescustomoptions.ps1
  • You may replace the {Custom Options Here} text with any custom Options you want to use. Be sure to remove the brackets.
  • All other options must be left alone and the $comment variable must be retained, or the transcode automation process will not work as intended. This is because of the way immutable file indexing is considered.
  • Example Options: -metadata title="" -metadata description="" -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -c:v libx265 -crf 23 -c:a aac -c:s copy -preset veryfast
$comment = (Update-Lastindex -DataSource $datasource).newcomment
ffmpeg -i $video -metadata COMMENT="$comment" {Custom Options Here} -stats_period 60 "$env:FFToolsTarget$video"

Deploying the image

Compose Example

version: "3.8"
    container_name: Docker-TranscodeAutomation
      - MEDIAMOVIEFOLDERS=/media/test/movies, /media/test/movies02
      - MEDIASHOWFOLDERS=/media/test/shows
      - MOVIESCRF=21
      - SHOWSCRF=23
      - /home/user/docker/appdata/docker-transcodeautomation/data:/docker-transcodeautomation/data
      - /home/user/docker/appdata/docker-transcodeautomation/transcoding:/docker-transcodeautomation/transcoding
      - /media:/media
    network_mode: none
      - SYS_NICE # Allows ffmpeg to set cpu affinity and allocate memory
    restart: unless-stopped

Environment Variables

Required Variables

ENV Variable Description Example
BACKUPPROCESSED If set to true this will result in transcoded files being backed up for x days BACKUPPROCESSED=false
BACKUPRETENTION Number of days to retain a backup copy of transcoded media BACKUPRETENTION=14
MEDIAMOVIEFOLDERS Top level movie directories. Multiple directories must be seperated by ", " (Comma and a trailing space) and not be surrounded by quotes. MEDIAMOVIEFOLDERS=/media/test/movies, /media/test/movies02
MEDIASHOWFOLDERS Top level show directories. Multiple directories must be seperated by ", " (Comma and a trailing space) and not be surrounded by quotes. MEDIASHOWFOLDERS=/media/test/shows

Optional Variables

ENV Variable Description Example
ENDTIMEUTC End of timeframe that transcoding is allowed in UTC 24 hour format ENDTIMEUTC=02:00
MINAGE Minimum age in hours of a file before it's processed MINAGE=1.5
MOVIESCRF Constant Rate Factor for configuring trancode quality MOVIESCRF=21
PROCDELAY Time delay in hours between processing files PROCDELAY=4
SHOWSCRF Constant Rate Factor for configuring trancode quality SHOWSCRF=23
STARTTIMEUTC Beginning of timeframe that transcoding is allowed in UTC 24 hour format STARTTIMEUTC=17:00
UPDATEMETADATA If true, existing media will have metadata updated only UPDATEMETADATA=true

Variable Notes

  • If setting BACKUPPROCESSED to true be careful. This can easily lead to filling up drive free space dependent on media processed during the BACKUPRETENTION period.
  • UPDATEMETADATA can be used to index existing media. Useful if existing media was previously transcoded. After metadata has been updated remove this variable and restart the container.
  • If ENDTIMEUTC is an earlier time than STARTTIMEUTC, then it will be treated as next day. For example 18:30 UTC start time with an end time of 03:00 UTC, the end time will stop processing new transcodes the next day for the given UTC Datetime.
  • PROCDELAY and MINAGE defaults are 4 hours. PROCDELAY will respect UTC time windows. It is recommended to maintain a larger processing delay to limit excessive disk reads.


Docker Volume Purpose Example
Data Config Files, Database, Database backups and logs, are stored here /home/user/docker/appdata/docker-transcodeautomation/data:/docker-transcodeautomation/data
Transcoding Transcoding of files occurs here /home/user/docker/appdata/docker-transcodeautomation/transcoding:/docker-transcodeautomation/transcoding
Media Top volume containing media files /media:/media

Builds and Tags

Build Architecture Maintained
Alpine3.14-lts amd64 no
Alpine3.17 amd64 yes
Ubuntu22.04-lts amd64 no
Tags Description
build-Architecture-develop Most recent dev image for for any build & architecture
build-Architecture-develop-version Versioned dev image for for any build & architecture
build-Architecture-version Versioned image for any build & architecture
latest There is no longer a latest docker-transcodeautomation build. Breaking changes have dictated requiring version pinning.

Using included media functions

  • This image comes with various optional PowerShell functions i've added for retrieving useful info. They are not necessary to use.
  • Use docker exec -i Docker-TranscodeAutomation /usr/bin/pwsh to get an interactive shell
#Media Management Functions
Get-EmptyFolder        #Gets empty directories that can be cleaned up.
Get-MissingYear        #Gets media missing the year of release in the name
Get-NotProcessed       #Get files not yet transcoded
Move-FileToMediaFolder #Move transcoded files back to media folders. TranscodeAutomation will handle this, but this can be useful to handle failed moves sooner.


  • /docker-transcodeautomation/data/MediaDB.sqlite volume file is a sqlite database containing media data and statistics
  • Any sqlite viewer of choice can be leveraged if desired to view this data
  • Here is an example using Grafana

Additional Notes

  • If a file is is replaced by another file of the same name, and the old file is deleted, statistics cannot update sooner than (25 hours + PROCDELAY + MINAGE). This ensures statistics are not lost in rare circumstances. Becuase of this the container must run at a minimum that long without restart prior to a replaced files database entry being updated.
  • Docker logs should provide hints to the root of an issue and relevant snippets need to be included in opened issues.
  • If the logs indicate that there are files leftover in the transcoding directory you must remove them. This is a safety feature that allows for addressing reasons for failed transcodes before continuing.
  • If your media database becomes corrupted, use the backed-up databases to restore a healthy copy.
    • /docker-transcodeautomation/data/MediaDB.SQLite #database location
    • /docker-transcodeautomation/data/Backups #BackupsLocation
  • If wanting to add media to an existing watched directory but not actually transcode it; remux it with comment of dta-remuxed.
    # replace $oldname and $name with filepaths
    ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -stats -i $oldname -map 0:v:0? -map 0:a? -map 0:s? -metadata title="" -metadata description="" -metadata COMMENT="dta-remuxed" -c copy -stats_period 60 $name