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Ultimate edited this page Feb 11, 2021 · 1 revision

What folders do

Folders are there to organize your files.

Why do I need to create a folder

deemixrr is designed to fulfill the purpose of managing your complete audio needs. So you can manage your podcasts, audiobooks, and music. Folders are therefore the perfect solution to have an organized library at file level.

For example you create the folders:

Name Path
Audiobooks /mnt/unionfs/Media/Audio/Audiobooks
Podcasts /mnt/unionfs/Media/Audio/Podcasts
Rock Music /mnt/unionfs/Media/Audio/Music/Rock
Pop Music /mnt/unionfs/Media/Audio/Music/Pop
Playlists /mnt/unionfs/Media/Audio/Playlists

Now you can manage your artists and playlists in these folders, and have a managed libarary

Host your own

  1. Cloudbox
  2. Custom


  1. Linux
  2. Windows

Config files

  1. .arl
  2. config.json
  3. authCredentials.json

Further reading

  1. Hangfire dashboard
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Folders
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