This is a task manager application, implemented using Flask with both the database (PostgreSQL). It also has user registration and authentication functionalities. It is also available to create, update and delete tasks using the only superuser access flag. You can view the list of users and the number of their tasks with superuser access and users with access flag.
Modify database.conf
POSTGRES_USER=postgres #default username
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1591 #default password
POSTGRES_HOST=localhost #default or your url
POSTGRES_PORT=5432 #default or your port
POSTGRES_DB=db #default or your database
Modify docker-compose.yml
- POSTGRES_USER=postgres #database.conf
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD=1591 #database.conf
- POSTGRES_HOST=db #database.conf
- POSTGRES_PORT=5432 #database.conf
- POSTGRES_DB=db #database.conf
OR use instead environment
env_file: database.conf
mkdir Projects
cd Projects
git clone
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd project_flask_task
docker-compose up --build
frontend usage or build project
While the app and database are being created
Here are the commands to access the application and database
docker exec -it project_flask_task_db_1 psql -U postgres
- access in Postgresql
docker exec -it project_flask_task_app_1 bash
- access in app use bash
is_active=True - active, can log in task manager.
is_superuser=True - superuser, can create, edit and delete tasks.
can_review_tasks=True - can_review_tasks, can access to the number of tasks.
you can change these access flags in -> User Registration
Then simply open up a browser, Chrome/Chromium recommended, to / localhost:5000