Heavily inspired by mayorx's python script of the hungarian-algorithm
A quick implementation of Kuhn-Munkres algorithm in Godot 4.3
In example.gd:
@onready var matcher = preload("res://scrHungarian.gd")
func _ready() -> void:
#Initialize weights
weights = [[39, 47],[5, 58]]
#Call the init method and pass the weights
var matcherInst = matcher.new(weights)
#Solve the problem
var bestWeight = matcherInst.solve(true)
[[39, 47], [5, 58]]
[39, 47]
[5, 58]
[39, 47]
[5, 58]
match 0 to 0, weight 39
match 1 to 1, weight 58
Best total weight: 97
weights = generate_random_weights(5,5)
func generate_random_weights(rows: int, cols: int) -> Array:
var random_weights = []
for i in range(rows):
var row = []
for j in range(cols):
row.append(randi_range(0, 100)) # Random float between 0.0 and 10.0
return random_weights