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dead10ck edited this page Aug 6, 2014 · 1 revision

With this example, you can perform a search on the Shodan API and visualize the results. In this example script, these connections are made:

+---------+     +-------+            
|         |     |       |            
| country +-----+  ASN  |            
|         |     |       |            
+---------+     +---+---+            
              |           |          
              |    IP     |          
              |  Address  |          
              |           |          
                 |     |             
         +-------+     +--------+    
         |                      |    
         |                      |    
     +---+--+               +---+---+
     |      |               |       |
     | port |               | title |
     |      |               |       |
     +------+               +-------+

To run the script, use your Shodan API key, and provide a search string (the same you would type into the search bar on Shodan's web page).

$ cd examples

$ ./ -k <YOUR_API_KEY> -s "your search string"
Saving results to shodan_your_search_string.json

$ cd /path/to/Visualization/graphiti

$ ./graphiti demo /path/to/semanticnet/examples/shodan_your_search_string.json
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