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This program purpose is to monitor your system health using standard Linux tools. Therefore Linux is required.

The idea of the program is to run it on your server and monitor the health. Which is also the reason for the name sermon.

The program can run on your local machine or on your server. The best way to run the program is by adding it as a system service.

System health vs Continuously monitoring

You can monitor you system in 2 ways. Either getting 1 or more daily notifications, or continuously monitoring various system parameters.

To activate continuously monitoring disable: dailyInfo = "false" in the config.cfg Otherwise the daily notification is enabled.


 sermon [options]


 -h, --help          Show this output
 -c, --config        Prints the path to your config file
 -s, --show          Prints the current health to the console
 -cs, --clustershow  Prints the current health of all nodes in cluster
 -cp, --clusterping  Checks the connection to the cluster nodes
 -ms, --mailstatus   Send a mail with health to emails in config

Config file

The config file (config.cfg) is where you specify the details which sermon use.

To disable integers, set them to 0.


The current GIT repo does not support the cluster parameter. The purpose of the cluster if to give you 1 place to monitor all of your sermon instances.

Currently you can only access the cluster in the WWW-view - terminal is not supported.

To enable cluster, compile with -d:cluster

Example output

 $ sermon -s

            System status
 Last boot:    system boot  2018-10-27 06:43
 Uptime:       10:25:07 up  3:42,  1 user,  load average: 1,00, 1,00, 0,88
 System:       Linux sys 4.18.16-arch1-1-ARCH
 Hostname:     myHostname
 Public IP:
 Mem total:    1.028MB
 Mem occupied: 0.298453125MB
 Mem free:     0.488MB
 Nim verion:   0.19.4
 Compile time: 10:49:10
 Compile data: 2019-03-16

               Memory usage
 Error:   Mem:   Usage: 3,0Gi - Limit: 2.0
 Success: Swap:  Usage: 0,0Ki - Limit: 1000.0

               Process status
 Error:   nginx      : is inactive (dead)
 Success: sshd       : is active (running)
 Info:    servermon  : is not a service

               Memory per process
 Error:   nginx      : 26 > 20MB
 Success: sshd       : 23 < 25MB

               Space usage
 Error:   You have reached your warning storage level at 40

 Success: Filesystem                           Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 Success: dev                                  6,8G     0  6,8G   0% /dev
 Success: run                                  6,8G  1,3M  6,8G   1% /run
 Error:   /dev/mapper/AntergosVG-AntergosRoot  600G  150G  150G  50% /
 Success: tmpfs                                5,8G   24M  5,7G   1% /dev/shm
 Success: /dev/sda1                            243M   76M  151M  34% /boot

               URL health
 Error:   301 -
 Success: 200 -

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