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Git Task for RS School. This task will train students in using some git commands that they are not using often.

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20 Commits

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  1. Fork this repository with all branches: Don't forget to uncheck Copy the master branch only checkbox.
  2. Clone your newly created repo:<%your_github_username%>/git-task/
  3. Go to folder git-task
  4. Suggestion: set up VSCode as your Git editor - git config --global core.editor "code --wait"

Submit to RS App

  1. Create PR from your develop branch to your main branch, and ignore the message Can’t automatically merge
  2. Describe PR like here
  3. Open RS App and login
  4. Go to Cross-check: Submit page
  5. Select your task (Git Task)
  6. Input link to your PR
  7. Press the submit button and enjoy

General Task Description

You have a repository with multiple branches:

  • main - main branch of a repository with task requirements and description
  • develop - branch that holds an actual state of our main page
  • main-page-base - branch that holds an initial design of the main page and already has been merged to the develop branch
  • multiple feature branches:
    • bullseye-game - branch with 5 commits of Bullseye Game by Elliot Geno
    • cub-n-pup-game - branch with 6 commits of Cub n Pup Game by Dave DeSandro
    • menja - branch with 4 commits of Menja Game by Caleb Miller
    • link-new-style - branch with 4 commits of the new style of the main page

Your task is to manipulate branches and commits like it is described in Task.
Resolving conflicts while merging/rebasing is a part of this task.
The preferable way of solving the task is by using Git CLI, but you could also use Git Graph and Git Lense VSCode extensions to visualize branches and so on.
The deployed page should be like in the demo and all games should work correctly too.


  1. bullseye-game branch
    1.1) Replace commit prefix feat with docs in feat(bullseye): add license and readme commit title.
    1.2) Split feat(bullseye): add game commit to 3 commits for each file (index.html, style.css, script.js). They should be in place of the old commit, which means commits should be in the following order (from the oldest to the newest):

    1. docs(bullseye): add license and readme
    2. feat(bullseye): add index.html
    3. feat(bullseye): add style.css
    4. feat(bullseye): add script.js
    5. feat(bullseye): add link to game in main page
    6. feat(bullseye): add external dependencies as local files
    7. feat(bullseye): update main page style

    The #2-4 commit titles could vary.
    1.3) Merge the bullseye-game branch into the develop branch with the creation of a merge commit.

  2. cub-n-pup-game branch
    2.1) Merge 3 commits (feat(cub-n-pup): add index.html, feat(cub-n-pup): add script.js, feat(cub-n-pup): add style.css) into 1 commit in place of them, commits should be in the following order (from the oldest to the newest):

    1. docs(cub-n-pup): add license and readme
    2. feat(cub-n-pup): add cub-n-pup game sources
    3. feat(cub-n-pup): add link to game in main page
    4. feat(cub-n-pup): update main page style - specify width

    The #2 commit title could vary.
    2.2) Merge squashed cub-n-pup-game branch to develop branch.

  3. menja branch
    3.1) Reorder commits of the branch to reverse order, commits should be in the following order (from the oldest to the newest):

    1. docs(menja): add license and readme
    2. feat(menja): add game files
    3. feat(menja): add link to game in main page
    4. feat(menja): update main page style - add text-align center

    3.2) Rebase menja branch into develop.

  4. link-new-style branch
    4.1) Cherry-pick all commits from the link-new-style branch with references to original commits to develop branch.

  5. develop branch
    5.1) Set up deployment to GH Pages from the develop branch.


Maximum - 45 points

Basic Scope

  • bullseye-game branch - total 15 points
    • there is no feat(bullseye): add license and readme commit and there is docs(bullseye): add license and readme commit - +5 points
    • there is no feat(bullseye): add game and there are 3 new commits in place of it for each file (index.html, style.css, script.js) - +5 points
    • bullseye-game branch merged to develop branch with created merge commit - +5 points
  • cub-n-pup-game branch - total 10 points
    • there are no feat(cub-n-pup): add index.html, feat(cub-n-pup): add script.js, feat(cub-n-pup): add style.css commits and there is a new commit contains them and placed in place of them - +5 points
    • The squashed cub-n-pup-game branch was merged with to develop branch, there is a squashed commit - +5 points
  • menja branch - total 10 points
    • there are 4 commits in the following order (from the oldest to the newest) - +5 points:
      1) `docs(menja): add license and readme`
      2) `feat(menja): add game files`
      3) `feat(menja): add link to game in main page`
      4) `feat(menja): update main page style - add text-align center`
    • menja branch was rebased into develop branch - +5 points
  • link-new-style branch - total 5 points
    • all commits were cherry-picked to the develop branch with references to original commits - +5 points
  • there is a deployment at GH Pages - +5 points


  • there is a PR to the original repository - -20 points
  • bullseye-game branch commits not in the order specified in Task 1.2 - -15 points
  • cub-n-pup-game branch commits not in the order specified in Task 2.1 - -10 points
  • menja branch commits not in the order specified in Task 3.1 - -10 points


Git Task for RS School. This task will train students in using some git commands that they are not using often.




