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RS School REST service



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Running application in Docker

Run command to build images for application and PostgreSQL, and to create and run containers.

docker-compose up

You can edit the .env file before running the command to set the environment settings you like.

Docker composer also create two volumes ('logs' and 'database') at your Docker's volume default folder (\\wsl$\docker-desktop-data\version-pack-data\community\docker\volumes on Windows, /var/lib/docker/volumes/ on Linux), you also can see volumes at "Volumes" page in Docker Desktop app.

You can edit files in the src folder while the container is running, after that the application will be automatically restarted inside the container.

After containers are up you can use the application as usual.

To check volumes you can use in terminal:

docker volume ls

To check networks you can use in terminal:

docker network ls

Testing inside Docker

After containers running open new terminal and enter:

docker exec -it vanet-trello_node_1 npm run test:auth

You could also run test from you localhost, but you need install NPM modules first and then run testing as described in Testing

Running application without Docker

Installing NPM modules

npm install

Running application

npm start

After starting the app on port (4000 as default) you can open in your browser OpenAPI documentation by typing http://localhost:4000/doc/. For more information about OpenAPI/Swagger please visit


After application running open new terminal and enter:

To run all tests without authorization

npm test

To run only one of all test suites (users, boards or tasks)

npm test <suite name>

To run all test with authorization

npm run test:auth

To run only specific test suite with authorization (users, boards or tasks)

npm run test:auth <suite name>


If you're using VSCode, you can get a better developer experience from integration with ESLint and Prettier extensions.

Auto-fix and format

npm run lint

Debugging in VSCode

Press F5 to debug.

For more information, visit:

Postman Collection

You can import collection to Postman for easier testing and checking API. Token and entities' ids have been put at collection variables after you logging and creating entities to automate request data filling.

Routes Description

  • Login
    • POST /login - login user, return JWT
  • User (/users route)
    • GET /users - get all users
    • GET /users/:userId - get the user by id (ex. "/users/fec629cb-b440-419a-b479-b374127f477a")
    • POST /users - create user
    • PUT /users/:userId - update user
    • DELETE /users/:userId - delete user
  • Board (/boards route)
    • GET /boards - get all boards
    • GET /boards/:boardId - get the board by id
    • POST /boards - create board
    • PUT /boards/:boardId - update board
    • DELETE /boards/:boardId - delete board
  • Task (/boards/:boardId/tasks route)
    • GET /boards/:boardId/tasks - get all tasks
    • GET /boards/:boardId/tasks/:taskId - get the task by id
    • POST /boards/:boardId/tasks - create task
    • PUT /boards/:boardId/tasks/:taskId - update task
    • DELETE /boards/:boardId/tasks/:taskId - delete task
  • Column (/boards/:boardId/columns route)
    • GET /boards/:boardId/columns - get all columns
    • GET /boards/:boardId/columns/:columnId - get the column by id
    • POST /boards/:boardId/columns - create column
    • PUT /boards/:boardId/columns/:columnId - update column
    • DELETE /boards/:boardId/columns/:columnId - delete column
  • File (/file route)
    • POST /file - send field file with file attached to upload to server
    • GET /file/:fileName - download file by fileName

Load Testing


Requests [total, rate] 20400, 125/sec
Session Length [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 3ms, 6429ms, 122.7ms, 5168ms, 5944.6ms
Response Time [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 266.4ms, 12175.8ms, 4492.8ms, 11734.2ms, 11971.2ms
Success [ratio] 100.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:12240, 201:4080, 204:4080

Express CLI Text report


Requests [total, rate] 20224, 125/sec
Session Length [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 3ms, 5482ms, 82.3ms, 4403.8ms, 5168ms
Response Time [min, mean, 50, 90, 95, 99, max] 273.5ms, 10770.1ms, 3605.5ms, 10201.2ms, 10617.5ms
Success [ratio] 100.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:12130, 201:4037, 204:4035

Fastify CLI Text report


Node.JS RS School 2021Q4 Task 4 - REST service






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