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Miadok Chaladok

This repository hosts a Full-Stack Web Application built with React.js, Golang, and PostgreSQL. The goal of the project is to gain knowledge in React (using Typescript, architecture based on Feature-Sliced Design), Golang libraries (Gin, Gorm), Redis storage, Postgres database and Docker.


Docker Compose Configuration

The docker-compose.yml file defines four Docker services:

1. db (configuration defined in db.Dockerfile)

  • Utilizes PostgreSQL Docker image.
  • Exposes port 5432 for access between containers (especially for api) and 3306 from outside.

2. storage

  • Utilizes Redis Docker image.
  • Exposes port 6379 for access between containers (especially for api).

3. api (configuration defined in api.Dockerfile)

  • Dockerizes the Golang backend application.
  • Exposes port 8080 for accessing between containers (especially for web).
  • Links to the db service for database connectivity and storage for caching.
  • Builds application and hosts it inside Alpine Linux container for container size minimizing.

4. web (configuration defined in web.Dockerfile)

  • Dockerizes the React.js frontend application.
  • Mounts the application code and node_modules for development.
  • Exposes port 80 for accessing the application.
  • Links to the api service for server connectivity.
  • Builds application and hosts it on Nginx server.

Getting Started

To set up and run the Miadok Chaladok application:

  1. Ensure Docker and Docker Compose are installed on your system.
  2. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the project directory.
    cd MiadokChaladok-Go
  4. Build and start the application using Docker Compose.
    docker-compose up --build
  5. Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:80 or just http://localhost.
  6. To shut down the application and clean up Docker resources when you're done:
  • Press Ctrl+C in the terminal where Docker Compose is running to stop the containers.
  • To remove the stopped containers, networks, and volumes associated with this project, run:
    docker-compose down
  • Additionally, you can remove any unused Docker resources (dangling images, containers, and networks) by running:
    docker system prune -a
  • These commands will help you shut down the application and free up any unused Docker resources.

My Gratitude

Idea of web application and design layouts made by @butercupa.