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Helper library for transacting with Microsoft's Dataverse Service (formerly CDS/XRM)


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logo TimHanewich.Dataverse: A lightweight library for easily transacting with Microsoft's Dataverse service (formerly Common Data Service or "XRM"), the native data service of Microsoft's Power Platform and Dynamics 365 platform.

Microsoft provides an excellent .NET SDK for interacting with the Dataverse API on NuGet. While this library offers extensive flexibility and well-defined capabilities, it can be a bit complex for most simple implementations. This library is designed to make both the authentication with Dataverse and consumption of Dataverse services easy.

This library supports:

  • Easily authenticate into Dataverse without user interaction.
  • Perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for any record.
  • Perform advanced reads that include filtering, sorting, selection of specific fields, etc.
  • Access rich metadata of any table or inter-table relationship.
  • Humanize any record of any table for use within a large language model ("GPT")

Install the package

To install the package in your .NET (C# or VB.NET) project, add the following package from NuGet: TimHanewich.Dataverse Run this command in the .NET CLI:

dotnet add package TimHanewich.Dataverse

Authenticating with Dataverse

This class library supports authentication to the Dataverse web API. Use the DataverseAuthenticator class to authenticate.

DataverseAuthenticator auth = new DataverseAuthenticator();
auth.Username = "<your username>";
auth.Password = "<your password>";
auth.ClientId = Guid.Parse("51f81489-12ee-4a9e-aaae-a2591f45987d");
auth.Resource = "https://<your org>";
await auth.GetAccessTokenAsync();

After running the GetAccessTokenAsync method, your access token will be stored inside the DataverseAuthenticator object as the AccessToken property. Provide this AccessToken to the DataverseService constructor (see below) to start using the Dataverse web API.

Initializing the Dataverse Service

Place the following import statements at the top of your code file.

using TimHanewich.Dataverse;  
using Newtonsoft.Json;  
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

Create a new Dataverse Service

DataverseService dv = new DataverseService("YourOrgName", "YourAccessToken");

In the above example, replace "YourOrgName" with the organization name for your environment. For example, if your environment URL is, your org name is "org109a2adc0".

Replace "YourAccessToken" with the access token that you have received after authenticating through either the OAuth authentication flow or the above authentication using the DataverseAuthenticator class (recommended).

Creating a record

We will use the CreateAsync method of the DataverseService to create a new record. This method accepts two parameters:

  • setter - the setter (schema) name of the entity. This can be found by going to https://<your_org_name> in an authenticated window.
  • json - The JSON (JObject) content of the record that you are creating.

A complete example of initializing a Dataverse Service and creating a new account record:

DataverseService dv = new DataverseService("YourOrgName", "YourAccessToken");
JObject jo = new JObject();
jo.Add("name", "Microsoft"); //Specify name column of accounts table
await dv.CreateAsync("accounts", jo).Wait();

Reading, Updating, and Deleting

The reading, updating, and deleting methods are very similar to the CreateAsync method that is detailed above. The only difference is that these three methods also have a parameter called id which serves as the unique identifier of the record that you'd like to transact on.
This id parameter is the GUID value associated with the record that you can find in Dynamics 365 or the Power Platform Dataverse portal.

Working with Tables & Attributes

This package also provides the ability to read table and attribute structures. To leverage this capability import the resources by placing this statement at the top of your file:

using TimHanewich.Dataverse.Metadata;

Get a list of all records in the databse

Use the GetEntityMetadataSummariesAsync method to receive and array of record summaries:

EntityMetadataSummary[] summaries = await service.GetEntityMetadataSummariesAsync();

Each EntityMetadataSummary object contains the name of the record and "URL Extension" of the record that can be used to query records of this entity type.

Get metadata for a particular table

Use the GetEntityMetadataAsync method to access metadata for a particular table.

EntityMetadata AccountsTableData = service.GetEntityMetadataAsync("account").Result;

The EntityMetadata object provides details about all attributes (columns) in the table:

foreach (AttributeMetadata attribute in AccountsTableData.Attributes)

Advanced Read Operation

This package also supports more complex read requests - for example, specifying certain columns to include, filtering based on column values, and requesting data from a related table.

Request a Single Record

If you know the unique ID of the record you would like data for, you can request a single record as such:

DataverseReadOperation read = new DataverseReadOperation();
read.TableIdentifier = "contacts";
read.RecordId = Guid.Parse("9b8b1f4d-da14-ec11-b6e6-000d3a99fcc1");
JArray QueryResults = await service.ReadAsync(read);
Console.WriteLine("Your one record:");

In the example above, the service object is an instance of the DataverseService class.

Specify Certain Columns

To save bandwidth and improve download times, you can also specify certain columns to include. Building from the code snippet above:


please note that if you do not specify a single column via the AddColumn method, all columns will be included by default.

Add a Query Filter (or multiple!)

You can also add a filter to your query. For example, if you are trying to select all invoices with a total value over $1,000:

DataverseReadOperation read = new DataverseReadOperation();
read.TableIdentifier = "invoices";

DataverseReadFilter filter = new DataverseReadFilter();
filter.ColumnName = "total";
filter.Operator = ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan;

JArray results = await service.ExecuteDataverseReadOperationAsync(read);

If you need to use multiple filter statements, you can also do this:

DataverseReadOperation read = new DataverseReadOperation();
read.TableIdentifier = "invoices";

DataverseReadFilter filter = new DataverseReadFilter();
filter.ColumnName = "total";
filter.Operator = ComparisonOperator.GreaterThan;

DataverseReadFilter filter2 = new DataverseReadFilter();
filter2.LogicalOperatorPrefix = LogicalOperator.And;
filter2.ColumnName = "customer";

JArray results = await service.ExecuteDataverseReadOperationAsync(read);

The key above is to define the LogicalOperatorPrefix property of the second filter. This is the logical prefix (for example "and", "or") that will be added between this filter and the preceeding filter.

Request Data from a Related Record

Dataverse supports referrential table relationships via the Lookup data type. If you would like to include data from a related table, you can do so like this:

DataverseReadOperation read = new DataverseReadOperation();
read.TableIdentifier = "patients";

TableSelection related = new TableSelection();
related.TableIdentifier = "father";
read.Expand = related;

The key above is to set the Expand property of the DataverseReadOperation to a TableSelection instance.
You can also limit to only certain columns you would like from the related table:

DataverseReadOperation read = new DataverseReadOperation();
read.TableIdentifier = "patients";

TableSelection related = new TableSelection();
related.TableIdentifier = "father";
read.Expand = related;


In 2023 and beyond, using private data with large language models like the "GPT" series by OpenAI is a commonly desired implementation across industries. As part of the prompt engineering process, developers must incorporate private data into prompts to these large language models. The data must be in a understandable, legible, and human-readable format for the LLM to understand and use in its response. I call this process humanization.

I've developed an algorithm to automatically perform this humanization process, transforming the data from its raw form to a more human-readable form. You can use the humanization capabilities of this package via the HumanizeAsync function of the TimHanewich.Dataverse.Humanization namespace:

DataverseService s = new DataverseService("<YOUR DATAVERSE INSTANCE URL>", "<DATAVERSE ACCESS TOKEN>");
JObject obj = await s.HumanizeAsync("cra0f_animal", Guid.Parse("79f11b28-30c7-ed11-b597-000d3a8c2011"));

In the code above, you must provide the HummanizeAsync method two parameters:

  • The logical name of the table.
  • The unqiue identifier (GUID) of the record you'd like to hummanize.

The code above will turn a raw Dataverse record, that looks like this:

  "@odata.context": "$metadata#cra0f_animals/$entity",
  "@odata.etag": "W/\"4292472\"",
  "cra0f_favoritespecies": "238080000,238080001,238080002",
  "cra0f_dateofbirth": "2022-09-01T00:00:00Z",
  "_owningbusinessunit_value": "5bd9dba0-c95c-ed11-9562-000d3a1df4a2",
  "_cra0f_homepen_value": "95fc11dc-2fc7-ed11-b597-000d3a8c2011",
  "cra0f_species": 238080001,
  "statecode": 0,
  "statuscode": 1,
  "_cra0f_mother_value": "4f6a9a15-30c7-ed11-b597-000d3a8c2011",
  "_createdby_value": "4de0dba0-c95c-ed11-9562-000d3a1df4a2",
  "timezoneruleversionnumber": 4,
  "_ownerid_value": "4de0dba0-c95c-ed11-9562-000d3a1df4a2",
  "modifiedon": "2023-09-16T20:18:46Z",
  "_owninguser_value": "4de0dba0-c95c-ed11-9562-000d3a1df4a2",
  "_modifiedby_value": "4de0dba0-c95c-ed11-9562-000d3a1df4a2",
  "versionnumber": 4292472,
  "cra0f_name": "Phillip Piggy",
  "createdon": "2023-03-20T15:01:57Z",
  "cra0f_animalid": "79f11b28-30c7-ed11-b597-000d3a8c2011",
  "overriddencreatedon": null,
  "cra0f_wishesitwerea": null,
  "importsequencenumber": null,
  "_modifiedonbehalfby_value": null,
  "utcconversiontimezonecode": null,
  "_createdonbehalfby_value": null,
  "_owningteam_value": null

Into this, a much more human-readable form that can easily be understood and leverage by a large language model in answering questions. As you can see below, the "internal" names of the columns are converted to their display names, the values are translated into their labels, and arbitrary values that are rather specific to Dataverse are trimmed from the payload:

  "Favorite Species": "Cow; Pig; Chicken",
  "Date of Birth": "9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM",
  "Species": "Pig",
  "Modified On": "9/16/2023 8:18:46 PM",
  "Name": "Phillip Piggy",
  "Created On": "3/20/2023 3:01:57 PM"

Hummanize with Relational Depth

The HummanizeAsync method also has a third (optional) parameter: depth (integer). This defines at what relational "depth" the hummanization should occur. For example, if one of the fields of the table you're hummanizing is a lookup field, specifing a depth > 0 will also hummanize the record that is being pointed to and append this related record to the returned payload. For example, at a depth of 1, this would be the response instead:

  "Favorite Species": "Cow; Pig; Chicken",
  "Date of Birth": "9/1/2022 12:00:00 AM",
  "Owning Business Unit": {
    "Inheritance Mask": 1023,
    "Modified On": "11/5/2022 5:20:58 AM",
    "Created On": "11/5/2022 5:20:58 AM",
    "Is Disabled": false,
    "Name": "org3d1a4090"
  "Home Pen": {
    "Modified On": "3/20/2023 2:59:49 PM",
    "Name": "Wayne Locks",
    "Created On": "3/20/2023 2:59:49 PM"
  "Species": "Pig",
  "Mother": {
    "Date of Birth": "2/16/2023 12:00:00 AM",
    "Species": "Chicken",
    "Modified On": "3/20/2023 3:01:26 PM",
    "Name": "Caitlyn Chicky",
    "Created On": "3/20/2023 3:01:26 PM"
  "Created By": {
    "Integration user mode": false,
    "Main Phone": "425-555-0100",
    "Access Mode": "Read-Write",
    "First Name": "System",
    "Restricted Access Mode": false,
    "Incoming Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Primary Email": "",
    "Unique user identity id": 3,
    "User Name": "",
    "Created On": "11/5/2022 5:21:02 AM",
    "Windows Live ID": "",
    "Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "License Type": "Enterprise",
    "Modified On": "11/10/2022 2:50:51 PM",
    "Azure State": "Exists",
    "Default Filters Populated": false,
    "Outgoing Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Address": "US",
    "Primary Email Status": "Approved",
    "Last Name": "Administrator",
    "Mobile Phone": "425-555-0101",
    "User Synced": true,
    "User License Type": 59,
    "Deleted State": "Not deleted",
    "Default OneDrive for Business Folder Name": "CRM",
    "Email Address O365 Admin Approval Status": false,
    "Invitation Status": "Invitation Not Sent",
    "Yomi Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "Status": false,
    "User PUID": "100320013C21A393",
    "Country/Region": "US",
    "User Licensed": true
  "Owner": {
    "Integration user mode": false,
    "Main Phone": "425-555-0100",
    "Access Mode": "Read-Write",
    "First Name": "System",
    "Restricted Access Mode": false,
    "Incoming Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Primary Email": "",
    "Unique user identity id": 3,
    "User Name": "",
    "Created On": "11/5/2022 5:21:02 AM",
    "Windows Live ID": "",
    "Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "License Type": "Enterprise",
    "Modified On": "11/10/2022 2:50:51 PM",
    "Azure State": "Exists",
    "Default Filters Populated": false,
    "Outgoing Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Address": "US",
    "Primary Email Status": "Approved",
    "Last Name": "Administrator",
    "Mobile Phone": "425-555-0101",
    "User Synced": true,
    "User License Type": 59,
    "Deleted State": "Not deleted",
    "Default OneDrive for Business Folder Name": "CRM",
    "Email Address O365 Admin Approval Status": false,
    "Invitation Status": "Invitation Not Sent",
    "Yomi Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "Status": false,
    "User PUID": "100320013C21A393",
    "Country/Region": "US",
    "User Licensed": true
  "Modified On": "9/16/2023 8:18:46 PM",
  "Owning User": {
    "Integration user mode": false,
    "Main Phone": "425-555-0100",
    "Access Mode": "Read-Write",
    "First Name": "System",
    "Restricted Access Mode": false,
    "Incoming Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Primary Email": "",
    "Unique user identity id": 3,
    "User Name": "",
    "Created On": "11/5/2022 5:21:02 AM",
    "Windows Live ID": "",
    "Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "License Type": "Enterprise",
    "Modified On": "11/10/2022 2:50:51 PM",
    "Azure State": "Exists",
    "Default Filters Populated": false,
    "Outgoing Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Address": "US",
    "Primary Email Status": "Approved",
    "Last Name": "Administrator",
    "Mobile Phone": "425-555-0101",
    "User Synced": true,
    "User License Type": 59,
    "Deleted State": "Not deleted",
    "Default OneDrive for Business Folder Name": "CRM",
    "Email Address O365 Admin Approval Status": false,
    "Invitation Status": "Invitation Not Sent",
    "Yomi Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "Status": false,
    "User PUID": "100320013C21A393",
    "Country/Region": "US",
    "User Licensed": true
  "Modified By": {
    "Integration user mode": false,
    "Main Phone": "425-555-0100",
    "Access Mode": "Read-Write",
    "First Name": "System",
    "Restricted Access Mode": false,
    "Incoming Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Primary Email": "",
    "Unique user identity id": 3,
    "User Name": "",
    "Created On": "11/5/2022 5:21:02 AM",
    "Windows Live ID": "",
    "Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "License Type": "Enterprise",
    "Modified On": "11/10/2022 2:50:51 PM",
    "Azure State": "Exists",
    "Default Filters Populated": false,
    "Outgoing Email Delivery Method": "Server-Side Synchronization or Email Router",
    "Address": "US",
    "Primary Email Status": "Approved",
    "Last Name": "Administrator",
    "Mobile Phone": "425-555-0101",
    "User Synced": true,
    "User License Type": 59,
    "Deleted State": "Not deleted",
    "Default OneDrive for Business Folder Name": "CRM",
    "Email Address O365 Admin Approval Status": false,
    "Invitation Status": "Invitation Not Sent",
    "Yomi Full Name": "System Administrator",
    "Status": false,
    "User PUID": "100320013C21A393",
    "Country/Region": "US",
    "User Licensed": true
  "Name": "Phillip Piggy",
  "Created On": "3/20/2023 3:01:57 PM"

You can see in the code above, the hummanized version of several related records are also included in their appropriate properties. When extending to a depth of 2, the related records of the core record's related records will also be included. As such, the HummanizationAsync method is recursive, using the product of itself to extend to related records.

How does Hummanization Work?

Using metadata from Dataverse for your record of interest and related tables, the HummanizeAsync method makes several modifications to the standard (raw) Dataverse record payload:

  1. Removes properties with null values.
  2. Remove unneeded fields (fields that are primary internal to Dataverse): OData-specific fields, state code, status code, time zone rule conversation, version number, unique identifier, etc.
  3. Convert property logical names to their display name alternatives.
  4. Translate any choice fields from their integer-value representation to their label (text) equivalent.
  5. Format dates (i.e. 2023-03-20T15:01:57Z to 3/20/2023 3:01:57 PM).
  6. Apply same procedure as above to related records and append to core record (if depth > 0).

You can review the code of the HummanizeAsync method here.