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Calculate in how many communities functional diversity and compositio…
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…n measures are relevantly affected by removing rare (< 4 observation) species.
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TobiasRoth committed Aug 22, 2017
1 parent da513c8 commit dbe9318
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Showing 24 changed files with 323 additions and 124 deletions.
50 changes: 0 additions & 50 deletions inst/doc/main_analyses.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -125,53 +125,3 @@ used <- apply(commat, 1, sum)
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, sum)
cor(used, allobs)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Specific leaf area (SLA)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sla[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sla[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)

# Canopy height (CH)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$ch[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$ch[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)

# Seed mass (SM)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sm[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sm[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)

# Functional trait space (FRic)
f <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat_all[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)

## Calculate distance matrix from complete trait matrix
dist_all <- as.matrix(dist(traitmat_all))

# Mean nearest neighbout distance (mnnd)
f <- function(x) {
sample.dis <- dist[as.logical(x),as.logical(x)]
mean(apply(sample.dis, 1, function(x) min(x[x>0])))
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) {
sample.dis <- dist_all[as.logical(x),as.logical(x)]
mean(apply(sample.dis, 1, function(x) min(x[x>0])))
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)

# Species richness SR
used <- apply(commat, 1, sum)
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, sum)
cor(used, allobs)

86 changes: 49 additions & 37 deletions inst/doc/main_analyses.Rmd
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Expand Up @@ -339,6 +339,7 @@ In communities below 750m, the species that most often remain undetected were *B

# Community composition and diversity along elevational gradient
In this chapter we will calculate functional composition (i.e. single trait measures such as community mean) and diversity (i.e. multi trait measures) from observed (`commat`) and detection-corrected meta-community (`z`). Differences between measures from observed and detection-corrected communities should be due to detection filtering.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -570,7 +571,6 @@ f.plotFD(d, "(c) Taxonomic richness", "Number of species",
**Fig. 3.2:** Changes in (a) functional richness (convex hull volume of the three functional dimensions’ specific leaf area, canopy height and seed mass) (b) functional packing (mean nearest neighbour distance) and (c) taxonomic diversity (number of species) along the elevational gradient. The lines represent the predictions from the generalized additive model (GAM) applied to the observed communities (dotted lines) and to the detection-corrected communities (solid line); the shaded area give the region of the bootstraped 95% confidence intervals of predictions from the GAM.

```{r, cache=TRUE}
nsim <- 10
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,61 +666,73 @@ cor(used, allobs)
We found that measures of functional composition and diversity calculated from the observations of all `r ncol(commat_obs)` species were very strongly correlated with measures calculated from the `r ncol(commat)` species with at least four observations (all r > 0.995). We therefore confident that removing species with less than four observations did not strongly bias our results.

To further infer the effect of removing rare species, we compared functional composition and diversity calculated from all observations and only from species with at least four observations. Similar to how we estimated detection effects on communities, we calculated the proportion of communities removing rare species hat a relevant effect.

# Effect of remooving rare species
For all analyses we removed species that were observed at less than 4 sites. This is because it was not able to apply the hierarchical models to some of these species. To infer whether this may have impacted our results we calculated all measures of functional composition and diversity with and without missing species and infered how strong the measures were correlated.

```{r, cache=TRUE}
# Specific leaf area (SLA)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sla[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sla[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)
f.sla <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sla[as.logical(x)])
CM.sla.obs <- apply(commat, 1, f.sla)
f.sla <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sla[as.logical(x)])
CM.sla.cor <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f.sla)
rel <- 100 * abs(lm(CM.sla.cor ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2])
dif.sla <- abs(CM.sla.obs - CM.sla.cor) > rel
# Canopy height (CH)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$ch[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$ch[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs) <- function(x) mean(traitmat$ch[as.logical(x)]) <- apply(commat, 1, <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$ch[as.logical(x)]) <- apply(commat_obs, 1,
rel <- 100 * abs(lm( ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2]) <- abs( - > rel
# Seed mass (SM)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sm[as.logical(x)])
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sm[as.logical(x)])
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs) <- function(x) mean(traitmat$sm[as.logical(x)]) <- apply(commat, 1, <- function(x) mean(traitmat_all$sm[as.logical(x)]) <- apply(commat_obs, 1,
rel <- 100 * abs(lm( ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2]) <- abs( - > rel

Bias due to removing rare species was relevant in `r round(100*mean(dif.sla),1)`% of communities for SLA, in `r round(100*mean(,1)`% of communities for canopy height and in `r round(100*mean(,1)`% of communities for seed mass.

```{r, cache=TRUE}
# Functional trait space (FRic)
f <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat_all[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)
f.FRic <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
FRic.obs <- apply(commat, 1, f.FRic)
f.FRic <- function(x) convhulln(traitmat_all[as.logical(x),], "FA")$vol
FRic.cor <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f.FRic)
rel <- 100 * abs(lm(FRic.obs ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2])
FRic.dif <- abs(FRic.obs - FRic.cor) > rel
## Calculate distance matrix from complete trait matrix
dist_all <- as.matrix(dist(traitmat_all))
## Calculate distance matrix from trait matrix
dist <- as.matrix(dist(traitmat))
# Mean nearest neighbout distance (mnnd)
f <- function(x) {
dist <- as.matrix(dist(traitmat))
f.mnnd <- function(x) {
sample.dis <- dist[as.logical(x),as.logical(x)]
mean(apply(sample.dis, 1, function(x) min(x[x>0])))
used <- apply(commat, 1, f)
f <- function(x) {
sample.dis <- dist_all[as.logical(x),as.logical(x)]
mnnd.obs <- apply(commat, 1, f.mnnd)
dist <- as.matrix(dist(traitmat_all))
f.mnnd <- function(x) {
sample.dis <- dist[as.logical(x),as.logical(x)]
mean(apply(sample.dis, 1, function(x) min(x[x>0])))
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f)
cor(used, allobs)
mnnd.cor <- apply(commat_obs, 1, f.mnnd)
rel <- 100 * abs(lm(mnnd.obs ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2])
mnnd.dif <- abs(mnnd.obs - mnnd.cor) > rel
# Species richness SR
used <- apply(commat, 1, sum)
allobs <- apply(commat_obs, 1, sum)
cor(used, allobs)
SR.obs <- apply(commat, 1, sum)
SR.cor <- apply(z, 1, sum)
rel <- 100 * abs(lm(SR.obs ~ plantsBDM$elevation)$coef[2])
SR.dif <- abs(SR.obs - SR.cor) > rel
We found that measures of functional composition and diversity calculated from the observations of all `r ncol(commat_obs)` species were very strongly correlated with measures calculated from the `r ncol(commat)` species with at least four observations (all r > 0.995). We therefore confident that removing species with less than four observations did not strongly bias our results.

Bias due to removing rare species was relevant in `r round(100*mean(FRic.dif),1)`% of communities for functional richness, and in `r round(100*mean(mnnd.dif),1)`% of communities for functional packing. For all measures bias due to removing rare species was less strong than bias due to detection filtering. Again functional packing is the measure that reacts most sensitive to undersampling.

# References
Expand Down
Binary file modified inst/doc/main_analyses.pdf
Binary file not shown.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions inst/doc/simdat.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,78 @@ library(devtools)

## ---- cache=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate observed community matrix
z_obs <- apply(plantsBDM$y, c(1,2), max)

# Calculate observed occupancies for all species
psi <- apply(z_obs, 2, mean)

# Mean and sd at logit-scale
(mean.lpsi <- mean(qlogis(psi)))
(sig.lpsi <- sd(qlogis(psi)))

## ---- fig.height=4, cache=TRUE-------------------------------------------
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
hist(psi, breaks = 100, ylim = c(0,500), main = "",
ylab = "Number of species", xlab = "Occupancy (observed)")
hist(plogis(rnorm(1733, mean.lpsi, sig.lpsi)),
breaks = 100, ylim = c(0,500), main = "",
ylab = "Number of species", xlab = "Occupancy (simulated)")

## ---- fig.height=4, cache=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# Choose how many species should be simulated
nspec <- 50

# Choose the values for the four parameters to describe species' occupancies along gradient
mean.lpsi <- 1.0 # Mean intercept of species' occupancies
sigma.lpsi <- 1.0 # SD of species differences in intercept
mu.beta.lpsi <- -0.3 # Mean slope of species' occupancies along gradient
sig.beta.lpsi <- 0.5 # SD of species differences in slopes

# Simulate intercept (b0) and slope (b1) for each species
b0 <- rnorm(nspec, mean.lpsi, sigma.lpsi)
b1 <- rnorm(nspec, mu.beta.lpsi, sig.beta.lpsi)

# Plot species occupancies along gradient
plot(NA, xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = c(0, 1),
xlab = "gradient (e.g. elevation)", ylab = "Occupancy")
gradient <- seq(-3, 3, 0.1)
for(k in 1:nspec) {
lpsi <- b0[k] + b1[k] * gradient
points(gradient, plogis(lpsi), lwd = 0.5, ty = "l", col = "grey")

## ---- cache=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------
# Number of sites in the meta-community
nsite <- 100

# Distribution of sites along the gradient
# Note that the choice of the distribution is not of particular importance, and
# we may also use a uniform distiruntion
gradient <- rnorm(nsite, 0, 1.5)

# Simulation of the realized meta-community
z <- matrix(NA, nsite, nspec)
for(k in 1:nspec) {
lpsi <- b0[k] + b1[k] * gradient
z[,k] <- rbinom(nspec, 1, plogis(lpsi))

## ---- cache=TRUE---------------------------------------------------------
# Distribution of functional trait expression across species
# (we assume that we standardized the trait values and the range
# of trait values covers about 6 standard deviations)
trait <- rnorm(nspec, 0, 1.5)

# Calculate community mean
CM <- apply(z, 1, function(x) mean(trait[x==1]))

# Plot CMs along gradient
plot(gradient, CM, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5))
abline(lm(CM ~ gradient))
abline(h = mean(trait), lty = 2)

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Effect of functional trait on species response to gradient
mu.FTfilter.lpsi <- -1
Expand All @@ -26,6 +98,27 @@ plot(gradient, CM, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, ylim = c(-1.5, 1.5),
abline(h = mean(trait), lty = 2)

## ---- fig.height=4, cache=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# Choose the values for the four parameters to describe species' detection probability
mean.lp <- 0.8 # Mean intercept of species' detection probability
sigma.lp <- 1.0 # SD of species differences in intercept
mu.beta.lp <- 1 # Mean species' phenological effect on detection probability
sig.beta.lp <- 1 # SD of species differences in phenological effect

# Simulate intercept (b0) and slope (b1) for each species
a0 <- rnorm(nspec, mean.lp, sigma.lp)
a1 <- rnorm(nspec, mu.beta.lp, sig.beta.lp)

# Distribution of data of surveys
date <- round(rnorm(nspec, 0, 10), 0)

# Simulation of observed community
y <- matrix(NA, nsite, nspec)
for(k in 1:nspec) {
lp <- a0[k] + a1[k] * date
y[,k] <- rbinom(nspec, 1, z[,k]*plogis(lpsi))

## ---- fig.height=4-------------------------------------------------------
# Calculate species richness
SR_true <- apply(z, 1, sum)
Expand All @@ -47,3 +140,30 @@ points(gradient, CM_true, cex = 0.7, col = "orange")
abline(lm(CM_true ~ gradient), col = "orange")

## ---- fig.height=4, cache=TRUE-------------------------------------------
# Effect of functional trait on the average detection probability of a species
mu.FTfilter.lp <- 2

# Average detection probability (intercept) also depends on functional trait
a0 <- rnorm(nspec, mean.lp + mu.FTfilter.lp * trait, sigma.lp)

# Simulation of observed community (same code as above)
y <- matrix(NA, nsite, nspec)
for(k in 1:nspec) {
lp <- a0[k] + a1[k] * date
y[,k] <- rbinom(nspec, 1, z[,k]*plogis(lp))

# Calculate community mean of trait expression
CM_obs <- apply(y, 1, function(x) mean(trait[x==1]))

# Make plots
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(trait, plogis(a0), pch = 16, cex = 0.7, ylim = c(0,1),
ylab = "Avg. detection probability", xlab = "Trait (e.g. plant height)")
plot(gradient, CM_obs, pch = 16, cex = 0.7, ylab = "CM", ylim = c(-2,2))
abline(lm(CM_obs ~ gradient))
points(gradient, CM_true, cex = 0.7, col = "orange")
abline(lm(CM_true ~ gradient), col = "orange")

Binary file modified inst/doc/simdat.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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