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Releases: TomFanella4/meetover

Sprint 3

28 Apr 16:33
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Merge pull request #57 from TomFanella4/development

Sprint 3

Sprint 2

10 Apr 00:35
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Sprint 2 Pre-release

Sprint 2 User Stories

  1. As a user, I would like to modify my user profile and other settings.
  2. As a user, I would like to toggle my visibility in the MeetOver network.
  3. As a user, I would like to chat with other professionals using IM.
  4. As a user, I would like to request MeetOver appointments from professionals near me.
  5. As a user, I would like to confirm my MeetOver appointment.
  6. As a user, I would like to view other MeetOver users in the same travel hub as me on a map.
  7. As a developer, I would like to develop a database of user profile criteria that can be used in the matching algorithm.
  8. As a developer, I would like to carry out the matching computation on a cloud server.

Sprint 1

03 Mar 20:49
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Sprint 1 Pre-release

Sprint 1 Major Changes


  • Setup project skeleton and architecture
  • Authorization flow via LinkedIn
  • Settings screen for modifying user settings
  • List screen for matches
  • Profile screen for viewing a user' profile data


  • Setup project skeleton and API stubs
  • Integrate with LinkedIn API for authorization flow
  • Setup Firebase real time database for cloud storage
  • Receive and store user profile data