Node http
bindings for
Bucklescript in
Obligatory "this is just a WIP" section. Feel free to pull down and extend the API and/or make it better ... I don't pretend to be a ReasonML wizard.
I will be accepting PR's. Node HTTP is one of my most used modules and I'm surprised this wasn't done yet. A good alternative, though, is the bs-express project if you are after routing as well.
Install bs-node-http
from npm. npm i -S bs-node-http
Then, add bs-node-http
to yor bs-dependencies
in your bsconfig.json
"bs-dependencies": ["bs-node-http"]
The api is modified to favour piping the response so doesn't map 1 to 1 with the Node API. It's very minimal at the moment - if what you want isn't added feel free to submit an issue or a PR.
open Http;
let server =
createServer((~request, ~response) => {
switch (ClientRequest.getMethod(request)) {
| `GET => print_string("GET money, GET paid")
| `POST => print_string("POSTman Pat")
| `PUT => print_string("PUTting the tee-pee in HTTP")
| _ => print_string("We don't accept other methods...")
|> setStatusCode(418)
|> setHeader("x-reason", "reason-ml")
|> write("Hello, world! I am a teapot!")
|> write("UmVhc29uTUwgaXMgcHJldHR5IGdyZWF0IQ==", ~encoding=`base64)
|> end_
|> listen(~port=3000)