Decks for CPA at seneca college, here there be flash cards!
So yeah!
Anki Deck Guide:
- Start with important definitions for the week or for what ever your covering.
- Try to keep things concise and foot note all of your cards to actual notes for further reading.
- Once we get the dictionary down we can add exercises into the cards for a bit extra (once again we gotta link that to something)
- Keep things precise and clear. We don't need a mystical zen riddle in our decks.
- DON'T MIX COURSES IN DECKS! Here at CPA Winners we pride ourselves on organization.
We are not making whole new decks for each subject. We need to keep things focused! The most useful format for cards is cloze cards. Basically you highlight and anki will add code so it becomes a fill in the blank which is probably most useful. Basic is good for normal cards. HERE IS A FUN VIDEO FROM A MED STUDENT!
(cloze format): Front: Statement with fill in the blanks, try not to remove over 50% of the information. So like definition - term remove one!
Extra: Where you got the information so people can track down your shit and check it easy.
TAG: Header of the slide or document section that you got the info from. If nothing else title of document comma page, comma paragraph
Anything to big to fit onto a card just add a note reference. Sadly not everything we learn can be summarized on a single flash card.
Also this might just be a me problem but no drunk additions.
Anyone else have any ideas on important and useful things to add to the deck guide (readme) just make a pull on the master. This will always be deployable lol.