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Tomographer v5.4

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@phfaist phfaist released this 05 May 00:02
· 11 commits to master since this release

Tomographer 5.4 provides some minor internal changes making it work smoother
with the recent releases of pybind11 (≥ 2.2). Some fixes were implemented in
the C++ library; there are no changes in functionality to tomorun or to the
tomographer Python package. See the detailed change log.

To get see how to started, check out this page.

If you're interested in using the stand-alone executable program, download the
binary release tomographer-tomorun-v5.4 below corresponding to your system.

If you'd like to install the Python package, you don't need to download
anything; simply follow these instructions.

See the downloads page for more options and more info.