As of August 8th 2020, the code and all other resources of this project (assets, sound) are available to use for anyone. It might or might not benefit you, but if you need it they are here.
dotlauncher is a game inspired by Space Invaders. It was made for me to learn Lua, Love2D and what it's like to actually develop a game from scratch.
Currently, dotlauncher is in a very early alpha phase. I intend for the final version to have:
- Multiple waves
- Shooting Enemies
- Multiplayer (in another version of it)
- Good graphics
- And more! Refer to the todo list below for everything I want to add.
Since the game is very early in its stage of life, I still have a lot to work on. Here is a full todo list of what I want the entire game to have:
- Multiple waves
- Shooting Enemies
- Multiplayer (in another version of it)
- Graphics WIP
SoundDONE (At the current state of the game)- Better collision detection
- Minigames..?
Main MenuDONE- Settings
- More keyboard shortcuts/controls
- More efficient code
- Animation
- Game over and win screen
If you want to add anything to my code, you can simply fork this repository, make your changes and then make a pull request. I will accept mostly any changes you make.
If you want to test out the game (and maybe play its final version) you can download this repository and run it in LÖVE by dragging the folder onto the icon.