DataLore is a Discord Bot built specifically for Star Trek focused Discord servers. Although it does have potential to be used in other arenas. Datalore is licensed under the GPL V3.
This is a fork of jcboysha-117/datalore on GitLab.
- Commands for playing Star Trek Adventures
- Trivia game with a growing database of questions
I debated about this for awhile, and I decided to release the code for self-hosting. I believe this is a good solution for 2 reasons:
- Self-Hosting is super satisfying once you get it all working
- With the way Discord bots work, you could host it on a Raspberry Pi connected to a 4G connection if you wanted to
- Providing a Bot As A Service (BAAS) comes with some risks that I, frankly, just didn't want to take
The app can be installed and configured by using the interactive installer by running python3
This bot relies on the following Dependencies: (* denotes built in Python module)
- os*
- discord
- csv*
- random*
- asyncio*
- json*
- dotenv
It was written to work in Python 3.6.9
The documentation is growing, but I intend to release full walkthroughs in installation and running. It's truly a very straightforward app, at the moment... I hope I remember to get rid of this if it becomes complicated...
If you have any problems, please feel free to email me at for issues, or (and more hopefully) file a bug request here so it can all be tracked.