Menggabungkan Cloudflare Workers dan Google Drive akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mengindeks file google drive anda di browser.
Script ini adalah hasil redesain saya dari ParveenBhadooOfficial.
- Light Mode Demo
- Dark Mode Demo
- Password Demo id dan passwordnya adalah
- Tambah menu list project
- Background keren
Buka link di bawah ini :
Auth dan dapatkan kode
Setelah itu, deploy kode tsb ke Cloudflare Workers
Untuk lebih detailnya bisa tonton video ini Watch Video
"siteName": "Kuro Creator Drive Index", // Website name
"client_id": "",
"client_secret": "ZNPZ-vS6N9Zjsyb_sNMZmXHL",
"refresh_token": "sNMZmXHLsNMZmXHLsNMZmXHLsNMZmXHLsNMZmXHLsNMZmXHL", // Authorize token
"roots": [
"id": "0BO_4Z3921k36Uk2PVA", // shared drive id or folder id
"name": "Index 1", // nama drive
"user": "admin", // username
"pass": "admin", // password
"protect_file_link": true }, // protects the direct links when true.
"id": "1jxK5rZxsov72dBGHB9h-R723_VWt8yc3",
"name": "Index 2"
- Dalam rilisan ini, kamu dapat mengcustom indeks sesuai kebutuhanmu.
- Di line ke 57. kamu dapat mengubah tema jadi dark mode atau light mode,di mana false adalah dark mode, dan true adalah light mode
- Lihat kode berikut untuk mengerti kustomisasinya.
const uiConfig = {
"theme": "kuro_bootstrap", // Change doesn't works
"dark_mode": true, // Please select above theme before selecting here true or false
"version": "2.0", // don't touch this one. get latest code using generator at
"logo_image": false, // Site Logo Name, can also be replaced with Image using <img border="0" alt="Alternative Name" src="logo-url" height="30px">
"logo_link_name": "Light Demo", // if logo is true then link otherwise just text for name
"contact_link": "", //Link to Contact Button on Menu
"copyright_year": "2020", // year of copyright, can be anything like 2015 - 2020 or just 2020
"company_name": "Search Google Web", // Name next to copyright
"company_link": "", // link of copyright name
"credit": true, // Set this to true to give us credit
"project1_name": "Project 1",
"project1_link": "https://",
"project2_name": "Project 2",
"project2_link": "https://",
"project3_name": "Proect 3",
"project3_link": "https://",
"project4_name": "Project 4",
"project4_link": "https://",
"project5_name": "Project 5",
"project5_link": "https://",
"project6_name": "Project 6",
"project6_link": "https://",
"project7_name": "Project 7",
"project7_link": "https://",
- Source: maple3142
- Source: yanzai
- Source: ParveenBhadooOfficial
- New Design: Bootstrap
- Cloudflare: Workers