Pokémon Ephemeral intends to be a handcrafted game engine, game server, and more, all of which will come together to create a Pokémon MMO.
Development of this project will take a great amount of time given the desired scope, but we'll get there.
Come join our comfy community over on Discord!
Premake is required to generate project files (Windows) and executables (Linux).
Without Premake, you will not be able to generate the necessary project files.
Be sure to install and to add it to your operating system's PATH before continuing.
Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/Toxocious/Ephemeral.git
After cloning the repository onto your system, you can compile the project by running the Compile.sh script.
We have chosen a number of third-party dependencies to use, which you can read more about in our DEPENDENCIES documentation.
We want to uphold a clean and organized structure, which looks like this.
Each part of the project contains a README containing further information about what it does, how it works, etc.
├── Build/
│ └── Compiled binary and object files
├── Docs/
│ └── FEATURES.md
├── Generated/
│ └── Generated Visual Studio project files
├── Libraries/
│ ├── glad/
│ ├── glfw/
│ ├── glm/
│ ├── imgui/
│ ├── spdlog/
│ ├── stb_image/
├── Projects/
│ ├── Core/
│ │ └── Include/
│ │ └── Source/
│ ├── Editor/
│ │ └── Include/
│ │ └── Source/
└────── README.md
If you're interested in contributing to Ephemeral, please check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
This project is licensed under MIT.
For more information about the license, check out the LICENSE.