composer require trucky/webhook
If you want to configure the Webhook listen URL, eject the config file with
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Trucky\Webhook\TruckyWebhookServiceProvider --tag=config
The Webhook listens by default on /trucky/webhook
for POST requests
Every Webhook request has a type
property denoting what is you receveiving in the data
"type": "job_created"
"data": {
- application_accepted
- application_created
- application_rejected
- application_retired
- garage_created
- garage_deleted
- garage_updgraded
- job_created
- job_cancelled
- job_completed
- job_deleted
- job_event_created
- member_kicked
- member_left
- user_joined_company
- member_role_assigned
- role_created
- role_updated
- role_deleted
- vehicle_created
- vehicle_updated
- vehicle_deleted
- vehicle_need_maintenance
- vehicle_maintenance_complete
When a Webhook call is received, the Controller relaunch two Events: a Trucky\Webhook\TruckyGenericEvent
and a specific event typized for each event
You can choose if listen to the Generic Event or listen to each specific event you want to handle
Under the namespace Trucky\Webhook\Events
you will find the specific events relaunched from the Webhook call.
Each Event class contains a data
property containing the Event Body.
- TruckyGenericEvent
- ApplicationAccepted
- ApplicationCreated
- ApplicationRejected
- ApplicationRetired
- GarageCreated
- GarageDeleted
- GarageUpgraded
- JobCreated
- JobCancelled
- JobCompleted
- JobDeleted
- JobEventCreated
- MemberKicked
- MemberLeft
- UserJoinedCompany
- MemberRoleAssigned
- RoleCreated
- RoleUpdated
- RoleDeleted
- VehicleCreated
- VehicleUpdated
- VehicleDeleted
- VehicleAssigned
- VehicleNeedMaintenance
- VehicleMaintenanceComplete
namespace App\Listeners;
use Trucky\Webhook\Events\JobCreated;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
class JobCreatedEventListener
* Create the event listener.
public function __construct()
* Handle the event.
public function handle(JobCreated $event): void
// dd($event);
and register it in the EventServiceProvider
of your Laravel application
protected $listen = [
// for the generic event
TruckyGenericEvent::class => [
// for specific events
JobCreated::class => [