A JavaScript SDK for ERC-4337 implementation.
Check the documentation for more information.
Before starting you need to create an account in the TrueWallet dashboard. Create a project inside and copy the API Endpoint.
Install the required packages for initializing the TrueWallet SDK.
Tested with Angular, React, and Node.js v18 and higher
npm install @truewallet/sdk
Before initialisation your first wallet, create endpoint url in the dashboard.
To check all available methods, please refer to the authentication.
import {initTrueWallet} from '@truewallet/sdk';
/** Initialisation with salt */
const trueWallet = await initTrueWallet({
signer: {
type: 'salt',
// Optional, bundlerUrl is used when rpcProviderUrl is not provided
// rpcProviderUrl: '{{ENDPOINT_URL_FROM_DASHBOARD}}',