This repository is for EECS-600 final project
Group Gamma (3rd)
Red: pick up and drop on the right
Blue: pick up, take a look and put it back
White: pick up and drop on the left
Black: pick up and put it back
Green: pick up, take a look and drop on the right
Wood: pick up, take a look and drop on the left
This branch is using moveit as its planning interface, so in order to compile it, you have to get moveit first:
sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-moveit-full
You also need to have config for Baxter with you:
git clone
Enable #define MOVEIT in overall_executer/scr/fp.cpp
roslaunch arm_planning_lib moveit_planning_lib.launch
rosrun overall_executer overall_executer
Comment #define MOVEIT in overall_executer/scr/fp.cpp
Change the #define in arm_planning_lib and pcl_chen to REAL_WORLD
roslaunch overall_executer kinect_gripper.launch
roslaunch overall_executer overall_executer.launch
Change the #define in arm_planning_lib and pcl_chen to GAZEBO
roslaunch cwru_baxter_sim baxter_world.launch
roslaunch overall_executer overall_executer.launch
If could not open device when running overall_executer.launch you have to give permission to the gripper USB connector by:
`sudo chmod -R 777 /dev/ttyUSB0`
Shipei Tian: Arm motion planning lib, team leader
Zhiang Chen: Block, surface and hand recognizing based on PCL
Alex DeFiore: Main program and HMI
Qian Wang: Gripper