This project is a simple yet elegant stopwatch application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It provides users with a clean and intuitive interface to track time with precision. Whether you need to measure intervals, time your workouts, or manage tasks efficiently, this stopwatch has got you covered.
User-Friendly Interface: The stopwatch features a sleek and user-friendly design, making it easy for anyone to start, stop, and reset the timer. Precision Timing: Built with JavaScript, the stopwatch ensures accurate timing, allowing users to keep track of even the most precise intervals.
The application is designed to work seamlessly across various devices, providing a consistent experience on desktops, tablets,and mobile phones.
- Start/Stop Button: Click the 'Start/Stop' button to initiate or pause the stopwatch.
- Reset Button: The 'Reset' button allows you to reset the stopwatch to zero.
- HTML: Structure of the webpage.
- CSS: Styling and layout of the stopwatch interface.
- JavaScript : Logic and functionality of the stopwatch
Feel free to contribute to the project by suggesting improvements, reporting issues, or submitting pull requests. Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated!
Enjoy tracking time with this stopwatch! 🕰️