Should not be used in production, under development
Flask inspired general purpose fullstack web-framework with file-system based routing with support for server-side rendered template-based pages. For client side hydration and responsiveness potion includes build-in Typescript bundler (as it is our philosophy that Typescript should be strictly used for simple DOM manipulation and)
- File-system based compile-time generated routing
- Robust state management between routers
- Support for accessing files both in router's own dir and in static folder.
- typescriot support for post-render DOM-manipulation
- .ts files both in /static and /routing directories are automatically compiled and linked (sourcemaps included)
- Optimised for fast rendering
- Minified generated HTML
- Minified .js bundles
- Compressed HTML
// Derive `potion::IntoContext` for global state
#[derive(Clone, potion::IntoContext)]
pub struct RouterContext {
pub hb: Arc<Handlebars<'static>>,
pub db: Pool<Postgres>
// Generate routing during compilation phase. All .rs files are automatically included during compilation
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// Initialize file-system routing
let (mut hb, static_router) = potion::initialize_routing(
&std::env::var("POTION_PROJECT_DIR").expect("Tried to read misconfigured .env file"),
// Create postgres connection-pool
let pool = sqlx::postgres::PgPoolOptions::new()
.connect(&std::env::var("POSTGRES_URL").expect("Tried to read misconfigured .env file"))
// Initialize context
let context = Box::new(RsContext { hb: Arc::new(hb), db: pool.clone() });
// Generate and server routing
let routes = router(context)
warp::serve(routes).run(([0, 0, 0, 0], 3030)).await;
pub fn initialize(router: potion::Router) -> impl Filter<Extract = (impl warp::Reply,), Error = warp::Rejection> + Clone {
// Access global state
let context = router.downcast::<RouterContext>();
let routing = warp::path("hello")
.map(|| "Hello World");