A minimal presentation theme for the institute. Demo slides: https://txwri.github.io/quarto-revealjs-txwri.
quarto install extension txwri/quarto-revealjs-txwri
or use the following to copy the template files to a new working directory (reccomended for your first time using the template)
quarto use template txwri/quarto-revealjs-txwri
This template is based largely on the Quarto 'clean' template.
The R scripts included in the template require the following R packages: dplyr, ggplot2, gt, knitr, ragg, rmarkdown, scico, stringr, tidyr
You do not necessarily need these packages if you are not rendering the examples in the template. You will need quarto v1.3.0 or greater installed on your system.
- Initial release.