TakingITGlobal is a non-governmental organization that focuses on global issues by promoting youth engagement and awareness. In collaboration with the UBC Cloud Innovation Centre (CIC), Commit2Act is a solution that has been developed that serves as a helpful companion for youth (12-18) to drive climate-friendly decision-making in everyday life. It will guide youth towards climate-friendly lifestyle choices, measure the impact of these choices, and connect users to a community of like-minded individuals who are working collaboratively towards the UN’s sustainable development goals.
Index | Description |
High Level Architecture | High level overview illustrating component interactions |
Deployment | How to deploy the project |
User Guide | The working solution |
Files/Directories | Important files/directories in the project |
Changelog | Any changes post publish |
Credits | Meet the team behind the solution |
License | License details |
The following architecture diagram illustrates the various AWS components utliized to deliver the solution. For an in-depth explanation of the frontend and backend stacks, refer to the Architecture Deep Dive.
To deploy this solution, please follow the steps laid out in the Deployment Guide
For instructions on how to navigate the web app interface, refer to the Web App User Guide.
├── amplify
├── backend/
│ ├── lambda_functions
│ ├── cfn-amplifyRole.yaml
│ └── template.yaml
├── docs/
│ ├── images/
│ ├── ArchitectureDeepDive.md
│ ├── DeploymentGuide.md
│ └── UserGuide.md
├── node_modules
├── public
├── src/
│ ├── actions
│ ├── components/
│ │ ├── adminDashboard/
│ │ ├── authentication/
│ │ ├── groupProfile/
│ │ ├── logAction/
│ │ ├── validateActions/
│ │ ├── AllActions.js
│ │ ├── EditAccountInfo.js
│ │ ├── GlobalLeaderboard.js
│ │ ├── GroupCard.js
│ │ ├── Navbar.js
│ │ ├── ScrollToTop.js
│ │ ├── SubmittedActionCard.js
│ │ └── UserContributionDonutChart.js
│ ├── graphql
│ ├── models
│ ├── pages/
│ │ ├── AccountSettings.js
│ │ ├── AdminDashboard.js
│ │ ├── CreateAction.js
│ │ ├── CreateGroup.js
│ │ ├── FindGroup.js
│ │ ├── GroupProfile.js
│ │ ├── JoinGroup.js
│ │ ├── Landing.js
│ │ ├── SelfReportMenu.js
│ │ ├── UserProfile.js
│ │ └── ValidateActions.js
│ ├── reducers
│ ├── views
│ ├── App.css
│ ├── App.js
│ ├── App.test.js
│ ├── aws-exports.js
│ ├── index.css
│ ├── index.js
│ ├── logo.svg
│ ├── reportWebVitals.js
│ ├── service-worker.js
│ ├── serviceWorkerRegistration.js
│ ├── setupTests.js
│ └── themes.js
├── .gitignore
├── .graphqlconfig.yml
├── amplify.yml
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
└── README.md
: Contains all the backend code for the site/lambda_functions
: Contains the Lambda Functions for the proejct
- graphQLMySQLResolver is the Lambda function that translates an AWS AppSync request into a call to the database
- processImagesToValidate is the Lambda function that will move an image to a region where Rekognition is available
- validateImageWithRekognition is the Lambda function that calls the Amazon Rekognition image processing API on user submitted images
: Contains all relevant documentation files -
: Contains assets/images, as well as Worker.js file used for making the application a PWA (Progressive Web Application) -
: Contains all the source code for the site./components
: Reusable React components.- Components are organized into folders, with the folder names being the page name/functionality that the components within are used for
- Components that are not in any subfolders are used on multiple different pages, or for overall app functionality. Below is a description of these components:
- AllActions.js: Used in Log Action page, Admin Dashboard page (in Manage Quiz Questions and Manage Actions tabs)
- GlobalLeaderboard.js: Used in Admin Dashboard and Landing pages
- GroupCard.js: Used in Landing and Find Group pages
- Navbar.js: Navigation bar for the application
- ScrollToTop.js: Function to scroll page content to the top on page change
- SubmittedActionCard.js: Used in Account Settings, User Profile and Group Profile pages
- UserContributionDonutCharts.js: Used in Landing page (in GroupCard component) and Group Profile page (in GroupPageLeaderboard component)
: Contains files for mutations, queries and the schema/pages
: Files for each individual page of the app/reducers
: Reducers for Login and Signup authentication states/views
: Files for app routing/service-worker.js, serviceWorkerRegistration.js
: Files for setting up application to be a PWA (Progressive Web Application)/themes.js
: Global styling for fonts. Note that most components have their own module-scoped styling.
To view the version history, please view the Changelog
This application was architected and developed by Christy Lam and Michael Woolsey, with guidance from the UBC CIC technical and project management teams.
This project is distributed under the MIT License.