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UCF Faculty Theme

WordPress theme for

Installation Requirements:

  • node v0.10.22+
  • gulp v3.9.0+
  • WordPress v4.1+


No special configuration should be necessary for deploying this theme. Static assets that require minification and/or concatenation are tracked in the repo and should be pushed up as-is during deployment.


  • Make sure an up to date version of node is installed
  • Pull down the repo and cd into it. Run npm install to install node packages in package.json, including gulp and bower. Node packages will save to a node_modules directory in the root of the repo.
  • Install all front-end components and compile static assets by running gulp default. During development, run gulp watch to detect static file changes automatically and run minification and compilation commands on the fly.
  • Make sure up-to-date concatenated/minified files are pushed up to the repo when making changes to static files.

Important files/folders:


Where functions and classes used throughout the theme are defined.


Where Config::$links, Config::$scripts, Config::$styles, and Config::$metas should be defined. Custom post types and custom taxonomies should be set here via Config::$custom_post_types and Config::$custom_taxonomies. Custom thumbnail sizes, menus, and sidebars should also be defined here.


Theme-specific functions only should be defined here. (Other required function files are also included at the top of this file.)


Where Wordpress shortcodes can be defined. See example shortcodes for more information.


Where the abstract custom post type and all its descendants live.


Where, aside from style.css in the root, all static content such as javascript, images, and css should live. Bootstrap resources should also be located here in a components directory.


This theme utilizes Twitter Bootstrap as its front-end framework. Bootstrap styles and javascript libraries can be utilized in theme templates and page/post content. For more information, visit

Note that this theme may not always be running the most up-to-date version of Bootstrap. For the most accurate documentation on the theme's current Bootstrap version, visit and select the version number found at the top of components/bootstrap-sass-official/bower.json.

Using Cloud.Typography

This theme is configured to work with the Cloud.Typography web font service. To deliver the web fonts specified in this theme, a project must be set up in Cloud.Typography that references the domain on which this repository will live.

Development environments should be set up in a separate, Development Mode project in Cloud.Typography to prevent pageviews from development environments counting toward the Cloud.Typography monthly pageview limit. Paste the CSS Key URL provided by Cloud.Typography in the CSS Key URL field in the Theme Options admin area.

This site's production environment should have its own Cloud.Typography project, configured identically to the Development Mode equivalent project. The webfont archive name (usually six-digit number) provided by Cloud.Typography MUST match the name of the directory for Cloud.Typography webfonts in this repository!

Custom Post Types

  • Person
  • FAQ
  • Faculty Cluster

Custom Taxonomies

  • Organizational Group


Download and activate the theme, then view the Theme Help section in the WordPress admin for a list of available shortcodes and their attributes.