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Ansible Role: mirsg.tomcat

A role for installing and configuring Apache Tomcat.

Role Variables

SELinux settings

selinux_enabled: Specify whether selinux is enabled on the host. Defaults to false.

Java settings

java_home: Path to java installation. Defaults to "/usr/lib/jvm/jre".

java_profile_d: Directory in which to put a script for setting java home. Defaults to "/etc/profile.d".

java_package: Name of the Java package to install. Defaults to "java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel"

Tomcat general settings

tomcat_version: The version of Tomcat to install. Defaults to the latest release of version 9.

tomcat_owner: The OS user that has ownership of Tomcat. Defaults to "tomcat".

tomcat_group: The default OS group the tomcat_owner belongs in. Defaults to "tomcat".

Tomcat WebApp settings

tomcat_webapp_name: The name of the root web app. Defaults to "ROOT".

tomcat_root: The root web app location. Defaults to "/usr/share/tomcat/webapps/{{ tomcat_webapp_name }}".

tomcat_root_webapp: Path to the root web app war file. Defaults to "{{ tomcat_root }}.war".

tomcat_binary_url: The URL of the binary to install from. Defaults to:

{{ tomcat_version.split('.')[0] }}/v{{ tomcat_version }}/bin/\
apache-tomcat-{{ tomcat_version }}.tar.gz"

Catalina settings

tomcat_catalina_home: The installation location. Defaults to "/usr/share/tomcat".

tomcat_catalina_opts: Sets to CATALINA_OPTS environment variable. Defaults to:

"-Xms4G -Xmx6G -XX:MetaspaceSize=300M -XX:+UseG1GC -server"

Tomcat config files

tomcat_config_file: The location of the configuration file. Defaults to "/usr/share/tomcat/conf/tomcat.conf".

tomcat_server_config_file: The web app configuration file. Defaults to "/usr/share/tomcat/conf/server.xml".

tomcat_service_config_file: The location of the systemd service file. Defaults to "/etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service".

Tomcat hostname and ports

tomcat_hostname: The hostname of the deployed web app. Defaults to localhost.

tomcat_server_port: The server port. Defaults to 8005.

tomcat_catalina_port: The catalina port. Defaults to 8983.

tomcat_catalina_redirect_port: Catalina port for redirects. Defaults to 8443.

tomcat_shutdown_port: Port for triggering server shutdown. Defaults to 8005.

tomcat_port: The web app HTTP port. Defaults to 8080.

Tomcat back settings

tomcat_backup_directory: Where to backup files to before an upgrade. Defaults to /usr/share/tomcat_bkp.

tomcat_items_to_restore: A list containing the following items to be restored after an upgrade. Defaults to:

- "{{ tomcat_backup_directory }}/webapps"
- "{{ tomcat_backup_directory }}/logs"


You will need to install the following collections before using mirsg.tomcat:

  • community.general

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: mirsg.tomcat }



Author Information

This role was created by the Medical Imaging Research Software Group at UCL.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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