This project helps us build a training set for the Aztec tool classification project. Users can manually classify publications as either containing a new software tool or not.
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --python=`which python` ~/.virtualenvs/django
source ~/.virtualenvs/django/bin/activate
pip install django
source ~/.virtualenvs/django/bin/activate
python runserver
Find a tool to classify on localhost:8000/classify/next
View database at localhost:8000/admin
How to add a bunch of new publications to the database(example):
from classify.models import Publication
import urllib2, json
journal = 'Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)'
count = 5000
query = '"' + journal + '"[Journal]&retmode=json&retmax=' + str(count)
response = urllib2.urlopen(query).read()
data = json.loads(response)
idlist = data["esearchresult"]["idlist"]
for pm_id in idlist:
p = Publication(pmid=pm_id, classification=-1)