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  • Saved to GitHub in 2018.

  • Tutorial at CPAN Parse::Eyapp::debuggingtut

  • Be sure you have Perl installed:

     usuario@ubuntu:~$ perl -v
     This is perl 5, version 26, subversion 1 (v5.26.1) built for x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
     (with 67 registered patches, see perl -V for more detail)
  • Install last version using cpan Parse::Eyapp

  • I have used version 1.182 for this examples. I believe they will work with current versions of Eyapp:

    $ eyapp -V
    This is Parse::Eyapp version 1.182.
  • Available options:

    $ eyapp -h
    Usage:  eyapp [options] grammar[.eyp]
      or    eyapp -V
      or    eyapp -h
        -m module   Give your parser module the name <module>
                    default is <grammar>
        -v          Create a file <grammar>.output describing your parser
                    The LALR tables aren't compacted
        -vN         Create a file <grammar>.output describing your parser
                    LALR tables are compacted.
        -w          Create a file <grammar>.dot graph describing your parser.
                    You can then generate a .png file using dot:
                                dot -Tpng -o grammar.png
        -W          Create a file <grammar>.dot graph describing your parser
                    Nodes are labelled with core LR-items
        -s          Create a standalone module in which the driver is included
        -S symbol   Use 'symbol' as start symbol of the grammar
        -n          Disable source file line numbering embedded in your parser
        -o outfile  Create the file <outfile> for your parser module
                    Default is <grammar>.pm or, if -m A::Module::Name is
        -t filename Uses the file <filename> as a template for creating the parser
                    module file.  Default is to use internal template defined
                    in Parse::Eyapp::Output
        -b shebang  Adds '#!<shebang>' as the very first line of the output file
        -B prompt   Adds a modulino call '__PACKAGE->main(<prompt>) unless caller();' 
                    as the very last line of the output file
        -C          An abbreviation for the combined use of -b ''  -B ''
        -T          Equivalent to %tree
        -N          Equivalent to %nocompact. Do not compact action tables. 
        -l          Do not generate the lexical analyzer. One must be explictly provided
        -P          Accept if prefix conforms to the language, even if is not legal up 
                    to the end 
        -c grammar  Displays the "clean" grammar without actions     
        -vc grammar Displays the "clean" grammar without actions. Strip comments also
        -V          Display current version of Parse::Eyapp and gracefully exits
        -h          Display this help screen
        grammar     The grammar file. If no suffix is given, and the file
                    does not exists, .eyp is added