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Code and documentation for an AR sandbox

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Virtual 3D sandbox project

Before starting

NEVER connect the PC to the internet due to conflict between Windows update and Kinect operation!!

How do I get set up?

You need:

  • C++ compiler
  • cmake
  • Qt5
  • OpenCV
  • Kinect v2 SDK


  • You can modify src/resource/shaders/HeightMap.frag by commenting/uncommenting the first two lines if you have the Kinect and your machine supports new shaders
  • On windows the Kinect is enabled by default; if you don't have one, define the macro NO_KINECT


  • sudo apt install cmake
  • sudo apt install qt5-default
  • Download OpenCV from their Sourceforge page


  • Install XCode from the Apple Store
  • Install homebrew
  • Install dependencies with homebrew: brew install cmake qt opencv
  • Add Qt to PATH: echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc or echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc depending on your shell


  • Install Visual Studio (the community version is free) to obtain the C++ compiler. Select "Desktop development"
  • Download and install cmake from its official website
  • Download Qt5 from the official website. Choose the Open Source version, install it in C:\
  • Download OpenCV from their Sourceforge page and extract in C:\
  • Download and install the Kinect 2.0 SDK
  • Set the environment variable Qt5_DIR to the x64 installation of Qt (e.g. C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64)
  • Add the Qt and OpenCV bin folders (e.g. C:\Qt\5.15.0\msvc2019_64\bin and C:\opencv\build\x64\vc15\bin) to PATH and reboot your machine


Use cmake to generate a makefile (on Linux and Mac), or a Visual Studio project (on Windows).


  • mkdir bin
  • cd bin
  • cmake ..
  • make
  • ./ARSandBox


  • Open the cmake GUI
  • Under "Where is the source code", select the root folder of the project
  • Under "Where to build the binaries" select the bin folder in the root directory
  • Click "Configure" and choose your version of Visual Studio
  • Click "Generate" until there are no more red lines to generate the Visual Studio Solution
  • Click "Open Project" to open it
  • In Visual Studio, choose "Release" instead of "Debug"
  • Under "Build" choose "Build Solution"
  • Run bin\Release\ARSandBox.exe

Note: if you get errors about certain DLLs, delete those in the bin\Release folder and run windeployqt ARSandBox.exe in there

Run @ USI

See these instructions

Common keys

ESC: exit
P: save mesh/point cloud
F5: exit setup mode
-: turn off visualization and show only sand

In setup mode

Shift: slower movement

F1: terrain 1 (mountains with cows)
F2: terrain 2 (lava)
F3: terrain 3 (plains with fishes)

1/2/3/4: select corners
5: scale
6: move

W/A/S/D: move the current selection in the four directions

Space: toggle preview

9: save current calibration to disk
0: load calibration from disk

U/J: increase/decrease the minimum height
I/K: increase/decrease the maximum height


Code and documentation for an AR sandbox




