This repository contains the usermanual on how to use the balance board and code for its implementation. A Balance board is used as a sport device which is a lever device that helps us in practising balance. Each balance Board includes a flat surface for standing on and a base. This Balance board gives us a score based on how well you balance.
- Code for the logic implementation of the board,
- Code for bluetooth setup,
- Calibration of the MPU 6050 sensor, and
- The user manual of the Balance Board.
- The processing file for the English version of the graphical user interface.
- The processing file for the Italian version of the graphical user interface.
- PDF file that contains the details of the Electronic components used in the balance board,
- Instructions for the GUI setup,
- Instructions on the bluetooth setup and instructions on how to reprogram the board, and
- Instructions on the timing setup of the balance board and the LED strip.