Linux interrupt driven kernel driver for ADS7924 2.2 V, 12-Bit, 4-Channel, MicroPOWER Analog-to-Digital Converter With I2C Interface from Texas Instruments
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- Change in directory
- Call
- Open the file
with your preferred web browser.
Apperring the drivers device-files in the directory /dev
| | | |
| | | +- Channel number
| | +------ I2C-address (chip-number) A = 0x48; B = 0x49
| +----------- Number of I2C-bus
+--------------- Prefix
Where adc<0-n><A-B>
is the interface for registers which concerns the whole chip,
and adc<0-n><A-B>[0-3]
one of the four channels.
In the directory ./src/test
you can find the source code for a demo- and test- application to compile it you need additently the command line-parser which you can obtain here.
Another helpful tool for developing Linux drivers can be found here.
This code is a few years old since I last updated it. You probably need to customize it a bit to the latest Linux kernel source.
A few words about my coding style.
Yes, I know my code is not Linux-style. For example, I open curly braces in a new line, and don't use tabs except in makefiles. So the code can never officially become part of the Linux kernel, which I never planned to do. However, since I am the only author of the code so far and have maintained it alone so far, I keep the code in a form that is most pleasing to my eyes. I ask you to respect that as well, I respecting the coding style of others as well. E.g.:
There is a saying in Germany that means: "Einem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul." ("You don't look a gift horse in the mouth.")