A collection of test cases in the Java language. It contains examples organized under 112 different CWEs.
The Juliet Java 1.3 test suite is taken from the NIST website
To build the Juliet Java Test Suite, simply execute the following command:
./gradlew build
Once built, you can locate the compiled JARs within juliet-*/build/libs/*.jar
Each CWE is available as a separate artifact on JitPack:
repositories {
maven(url = "https://jitpack.io/")
dependencies {
// CWE476: NULL Pointer Dereference
// Include the `support` module, if needed:
You also have the option to include the entire repository as a dependency
by adding com.github.UnitTestBot:juliet-java-test-suite:$version
to your project.
However, please be aware that the complete artifact, which includes all CWEs,
is quite substantial in size, exceeding 60MB.