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Unvanquished release scripts


  • docker-build: Create docker images with build dependencies, fetch sources and build them with build-release and make-unizip in Docker in a controlled environment.
  • build-release: The the entry point to generate the binaries and Breakpad symbol files for a given platform. This script can be used outside of Docker but it may be difficult to set up the required static libraries.
  • make-unizip: Produces an universal zip reusing the files produced by build-release. This script can be used outside of Docker.

Various cross compilers are used on Debian to build every Linux and Windows targets. The macOS targets are built on Darling on Ubuntu.

Building in docker

For the reference argument, you should use a tag or a commit hash, rather than a branch name, in order to avoid false caching.

It is recommended to check the results with validate-release, for example:

../validate-release/validate-release build/release/`

Cleaning files from previous builds

./docker-build --clean

Build static amd64 Linux engine binaries

./docker-build --reference 85dee939 --targets linux-amd64

Clean-up, rebuild system images, and build an unizip with everything supported

./docker-build --clean --reimage --reference 85dee939 --targets all --unizip

Output files will be found in build/release.

Built-in help

usage: docker-build [-h] [--clean] [--prune] [--reimage] [--reference [REFERENCE]]
                    [--targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]] [--unizip] [--chown] [--docker PATH]

docker-build builds Unvanquished engine, virtual machine and universal zip in Docker.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --clean               Delete previous target and universal zip builds.
  --prune               Delete all docker images from previous target builds.
  --reimage             Rebuild the system docker images for the targets to build.
  --reference [REFERbINLENCE]
                        Git reference for targets to build.
  --targets TARGETS [TARGETS ...]
                        List of targets. Requires a reference. Available targets: all linux-amd64
                        linux-i686 linux-arm64 linux-armhf windows-amd64 windows-i686 macos-amd64
  --unizip              Make an universal zip out of built targets.
  --chown               Change ownership of produced files, this option should never be needed as
                        other tasks are expected to do it.
  --docker PATH         Path to the docker binary. Default: docker.


You need docker to use the docker-build script. To build the macos-amd64 target, docker should be configured to use the btrfs storage driver since darling does not run over overlayfs.

Building with the simple Dockerfile

For the rev argument, you should use a tag or a commit hash, rather than a branch name, in order to avoid false caching.

Build static Linux binaries

# Build
docker build -t unvrel . --build-arg=rev=3173f3307 --build-arg=targets=linux-amd64
# Get outputs
docker create --name tmp unvrel
docker cp tmp:/Unvanquished/build/release/ .
docker rm tmp

Build everything supported by the simple Dockerfile

# Build
docker build -t unvrel . --build-arg=rev=8bef4ceee
# Get outputs
docker create --name tmp unvrel
docker cp tmp:/Unvanquished/build/release/ .
docker rm tmp