Project initiated by WDCC in 2020, revamped for V2 in 2022.
- Amanda Huang
- Andrew Ham
- Areil Wang
- Connor Stevens
- Jace Ye
- Jack Ma (Tech Lead)
- Jacky Zhu
- Jason Huang
- Noam Bechhofer
- Yilong Wang (Project Manager)
React, Tailwind CSS, MongoDB, Express, Node.js
Auckland Student Pool Association
The Auckland Student Pool Association (ASPA), based at the University of Auckland, focuses on facilitating a supportive environment that brings people together who are passionate about pool and aims to promote billiard sports. We hold casual events, coaching events, and tournaments, connecting members that are interested in playing against other members in a competitive and social environment.
Note: You must run client and server concurrently in different terminal instances for development.
Install dependencies by running yarn
in root directory (here). This will download dependencies
for both the frontend and backend environments.
$ yarn workspace frontend start
// this will compile the react code using webpack and generate a folder called build in the frontend folder
$ yarn workspace frontend build
Client-side |
axios: ^0.27.2 |
react: ^18.1.0 |
tailwindcss: ^3.0.24 |
framer-motion: ^7.0.0 |
$ yarn workspace backend start
Name |
Alex Pullen |
Clarissa Chan |
Lilly Zhang |
Marissa Lee |
Matthew Tao |
Min Kim |
Naren Rohan |
Peter Yoon |
Tanishq Ranjith |
Youting Lei |
use yarn run format
to format all files in the /src