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Setting up slurm lecture notes
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chipmanj committed Oct 25, 2024
1 parent 5d08316 commit 3b4dcfb
Showing 1 changed file with 179 additions and 0 deletions.
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions 11-slurm-week1/slides.qmd
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@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
title: 'Bash and HPC Essentials'
author: 'Jonathan Chipman, Ph.D.'
toc: TRUE
toc-depth: 2
toc-location: left
highlight: pygments
font_adjustment: -1
css: styles.css
# code-fold: true
code-tools: true
smooth-scroll: true
embed-resources: true
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pdf: default

# Table of Contents
1. Set up Aliases for Bash File (.bash_profile)
1. Example
2. First Example: Simulating Pi
1. Save File on Local Machine
2. Set Up the Target Location
3. SCP File from Local to CHPC Account
4. Create Slurm File
5. Run File
6. Watch SQ
7. Examine Results
8. Send Back to Local Machine
3. Parallel, Arrays, Multi-node
4. Appendix: Vim Common Commands

# 1. Set up Aliases for Bash File (.bash_profile)

First set up aliases to log-in to chpc. Begin by determining what SHELL you are using.

echo $PATH

If you're using a `zsh` shell, modify your `.zshrc` file.

If you're using a `bash` shell, modify your `.bashrc` file.

ls -a
vim .zshrc

Example of aliases added to rc file:

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"

alias np='ssh -Y [uid]'
alias kp='ssh -Y [uid]'

When you re-open your terminal, these settings will be loaded. You can either close and re-open the terminal. Or, you can call:

source .zshrc
source .bashrc

Now, we'll add aliases when logging into chpc.

vim .bash_profile

Example of added aliases

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc

alias watch="watch "
alias sq="squeue --me"
alias sq2="squeue -o \"%8i %12j %4t %10u %20q %20a %10g %20P %10Q %5D %11l %11L %R\""
alias sqNode="squeue --me --sort=\"N\""
alias cl="rm e_* o_* R_* my*"
alias si="sinfo -o \"%20P %5D %14F %8z %10m %10d %11l %25f %N\""
alias siMem="sinfo -o \"%20P %5D %6t %8z %10m %10d %11l %25f %N\" -S \"-m\""
alias siNode="sinfo -o \"%20P %5D %6t %8z %10m %10d %11l %25f %N\" -S \"-N\""
sa() {
sacct -j "$1" --format=JobID,partition,state,time,elapsed,MaxRss,MaxVMSize,nodelist -X

# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH

# Restore modules

# module restore clusterMods

# 2. Run a slurm script

We'll simulate estimating pi using chpc, using the script here [Applied HPC with R](

First, download the R script file ([01-sapply.R]( and save to a directory of interest.

On my machine, I've created a new folder and saved the `01-sapply.R` file here:

cd ~/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/__teaching/advanced\ computing/2024
mkdir chpc-examples
cd chpc-examples
curl -O ""

Generally, I develop the code on my local machine, so I don't need to download the file. Google search for how to download a file using terminal ([here]( .

Second, set up where you'd like to save the file within your chpc account.

mkdir examples
cd examples
mkdir pi
cd pi

Third, securely transfer the file from your local machine to your chpc account in the desired location.

# scp [source file(s)] [target location]
scp * -r [uid]

Fourth, create a slurm file, here we'll follow along [submitting-jobs-to-slurm]( Save the slurm file as `01-sapply.slurm` and then run calling `$ sbatch 01-sapply.slurm`.

Run the code and note that it needs additional information -- specifically the account and partition.

Use the following modification of [submitting-jobs-to-slurm](

#SBATCH --job-name=sapply
#SBATCH --time=00:10:00
#SBATCH --account=phs7045
#SBATCH --partition=notchpeak-shared-freecycle
#SBATCH --output out.%j
#SBATCH --error err.%j
module load R
Rscript --vanilla 01-sapply.R

Rerun with `$ sbatch 01-sapply.slurm` and watch with `watch sq`.

Call `ls -l` and see the new files:

Fifth, transfer the results back to your local machine. Go back to your local machine and the directory of interest.

scp [uid] .

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