This project uses Elixir and NodeJS. I highly recommend using the super awesome asdf vm to manage your environment run times.
- Erlang Plugin:
- Elixir Plugin:
- NodeJS Plugin:
Once you have the plugins installed, you can bootstrap your environment with:
asdf install
mix deps.get
npm install -g yarn
cd assets && yarn && cd ..
This project uses PostgreSQL with the TimescaleDB extension. Again, abstraction is your friend here -- use docker to manage your database:
docker pull timescale/timescaledb
docker run -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password timescale/timescaledb
With that up and running, you can now run the database migrations and seed your database with:
mix ecto.setup
And finally, start the web server:
mix phx.server
Before you build anything, make sure you bump the version in mix.exs
There is a convenience script included to assist in building the release target. All you need to do to build is run:
This will build a docker image, load the code, and then do all the fetching
and compiling needed. It will then copy the release archive to your host machine
under the _build/prod
To deploy the application, you will need to scp
it to the remote server and then
run a few commands to update the running version:
# local
scp _build/prod/node_monitor-VERSION remote-machine:releases/
ssh remote-machine
## on the remote machine
# decompress the archive
cd releases
tar xzf node_monitor-VERSION.tar.gz
rm node_monitor-VERSION.tar.gz
cd ..
# stop the running version and update the link
./node_monitor/bin/node_monitor stop
unlink node_monitor
ln -s releases/VERSION node_monitor
# if you need to run migrations, do it now
./node_monitor/bin/node_monitor migrate
# start up the new version
./node_monitor/bin/node_monitor start