Note: This is not the plugin distributable! This is the source code. To find the installable plugin, go into the 'Releases' tab, and download a stable version.
This plugin is protected under the Eclipse Public 1.0 License
The IBM UrbanCode Deploy automation plugin uses Ansible's CLI.
This plug-in requires version 6.1.1 or later of IBM UrbanCode Deploy.
The packaged zip is located in the releases folder. No special steps are required for installation. See Installing plug-ins in UrbanCode Deploy. Download this zip file if you wish to skip the manual build step. Otherwise, download the entire Ansible-Toolkit-UCD project and run the `gradle` command in the top level folder. This should compile the code and create a new distributable zip within the `build/distributions` folder. Use this command if you wish to make your own changes to the plugin.
Version 54
- Added support for Groovy 3 version
Version 53
- The Ansible Toolkit is now built through Gradle. All Ant and Ivy build pieces have been removed.
Version 52
- Community GitHub Release
- Navigate to the base folder of the project through command line.
- Make sure that there is a build.gradle file in the root directory and execute the 'gradlew' command.
- The built plugin is located at