This package provides the ability to connect wallets to website or application via MetaMask extension (through a browser or the mobile application), WalletConnect service using QR code scanner, CoinbaseWallet extension and KardiaChain.
- Connect to any blockchains.
- Add Contracts by providing Contract address and ABI code.
- Work with Contracts methods.
- Check transactions in blockchain.
- Add custom blockhain.
npm install @amfi/connect-wallet
Via Yarn
yarn add @amfi/connect-wallet
import { ConnectWallet } from '@amfi/connect-wallet';
const connectWallet = new ConnectWallet();
If you need to add custom blockhain use addChains(...chain)
method before you create connect.
Usage example:
* Description:
* name - blockchain name.
* chainID - blockchain id.
* hex - blockchain id in hex format.
const chains: IChain[] = [
name: 'binance',
chainID: 56,
hex: '0x38',
name: 'binance-test',
chainID: 97,
hex: '0x61',
Example configuration:
Want use Ethereum mainnet?
Set useProvider:infura
and provide mainnet Infura.
Remove rpc if it needed.
* Description:
* name - blockchain name.
* chainID - blockchain id.
* hex - blockchain id in hex format.
const config = {
wallets: ['MetaMask', 'WalletConnect', 'CoinbaseWallet', 'KardiaChain'],
network: {
name: 'Ropsten',
chainID: 3,
provider: {
MetaMask: {
name: 'MetaMask',
CoinbaseWallet: {
name: 'CoinbaseWallet',
KardiaChain: {
name: 'KardiaChain',
WalletConnect: {
name: 'WalletConnect',
useProvider: 'rpc', // Used to select the type of provider below
provider: {
infura: {
infuraID: 'PASS_HERE_INFURA_ID', // Your id from Infura
rpc: {
rpc: {
// If you use Ethereum rpc, pass full Infura URL
3: '',
// For use this rpc change chainId below to 56
56: '',
chainId: 3, // Used to select a rpc above
settings: {
// Add provider type from wallets in this config
providerType: true,
RPC configuration:
* Description
* BLOCKCHAIN_NUMBER - used to identify what kind of blockhain need to use, ex.: ropsten: 3, rinkeby: 4
* BLOCKCHAIN_RPC - blockhain rpc url
* chainId - used to select rpc (equal to rpc.BLOCKCHAIN_NUMBER)
rpc: {
rpc: {
// if use Ethereum rpc, pass full Infura URL with Infura Id
// What Blockchain need to use
You need to pass 3 configuration options: provider, network, settings in connect()
For MetaMask:
name: string;
For Wallet Connect:
name: string;
useProvider?: string;
provider?: {
infura?: {
infuraID?: string;
rpc?: {
rpc: {
[index: number]: string;
chainId?: number;
* Description
* name - blockchain name
* chainID - blockchain id
* All parameters required
name: string;
chainID: number;
// show in response your provider type: MetaMask/WalletConnect/etc.
providerType?: boolean;
connectWallet.connect(provider, network, settings).then(
(connected: boolean) => console.log('connect wallet: ', connected),
(err: any) => console.log('connect wallet error: ', err)
Need to use 3 parameters in the addContract
: ContractName, address, abi.
* Description
* name - used to identify your contract in Connect Wallet ex.: Staking/Token
* address - provide address ex.: 0x00000000000000000
* abi - ABI from contract ex.: [{method...},{method...},{method...}]
name: string;
address: string;
abi: Array<any>;
connectWallet.addContract({'Staking1', '0x000...', ABI[]}).then((i) => {},(err) => {});
connectWallet.addContract({'Staking2', '0x000...', ABI[]}).then((i) => {},(err) => {});
connectWallet.addContract({'Token', '0x000...', ABI[]}).then((i) => {},(err) => {});
To use contracr methods use method contract(CONTRACT_NAME)
- pass your contact name that was added in step 5.
const start = connectWallet
.send({ from: '0x000...' })
.then((tx: any) => console.log(tx));
const end = connectWallet
.send({ from: '0x000...' })
.then((tx: any) => console.log(tx));
const balance = connectWallet
(balance: string) => console.log(balance),
(err: any) => console.log(err)
When the Connect established, you can get information about the account of the user wallet using the getaccounts ()
(user: any) => console.log('account: ', user),
(err: any) => console.log('error: ', err)
Provide transaction Hash to txCheck()
method for check if transaction are in blockchain or not.
(info: any) => console.log('info: ', info),
(err: any) => console.log('tx error:', err)
Get current Web3 and access to all Web3 functions via currentWeb3()
const currentWeb3 = connectWallet.currentWeb3();
Subscribe to events from current connection: connect, disconnect, chain change, account change and etc.
(event: IEvent) => console.log('event from subscribe', event),
(err: IEventError) => console.log('event error', err)