A esp32-Arduino sketch used to configure WiFi credentials over Bluetooth LE on a ESP32 WROOM.
A web based app for configuration can be found here, the code lives in my github repo. This app is written in NuxtJS, and is MIT licensed.
An older version of the web app can be found here, with it's code on Github. This version is written with KnockoutJS and JQuery, and is also MIT licensed, but less secure and the code is harder to follow.
ArduinoJson v.5 (checked with 5.13.4)
- Arduino 1.8.11 & esp32-arduino 1.0.4
- PlatformIO Home 3.1.0, Core 4.2.1, Espressif 32 1.11.2
Documentation: https://desire.giesecke.tk/index.php/2018/04/06/esp32-wifi-setup-over-ble/
Code: https://bitbucket.org/beegee1962/esp32_wifi_ble_esp32/src/master/
- Additional characteristic for getting SSID list over BLE (read only)
- Additional characteristic for serving connection status as notifications, every 1 second
Published under the MIT license, see LICENSE.md