Releases: UrsZeidler/checksumDatabase
A simple command line program to manage and deploy the checksum smart contract.
first management release
A simple java based cli mananger. (Contains the ethereumj implementation, web3j and eth-contract-api and can uses several back-ends.)
usage: checksum database on the blockchain -a | -c | -co | -l
[-f ] [-h] [-sk ] [-sp ]
A deployer and manager for for a version database on the blockchain. (c) Urs Zeidler 2017
-a,--addVersion Add a new version in the database.
-c,--create Creates a new checksum database by deploying the contract.
-co,--changeOwner Change the owner of the contract.
-f,--file Set the contract source or the compiled json.
-h show help and usage
-l,--list List the versions and the contract data.
-sk,--senderKey Set the sender key file.
-sp,--senderPass Set the pass of the key of the sender.
change the ethereum client via -DEthereumFacadeProvider=
type : main - the main net
test - the test net
ropsten - the ropsten net
private - the private net
InfuraRopsten - the ropsten net via Infrua
InfuraMain - the main net via Infrua
-DapiKey= - the the api key for the service
rpc - connect via rpc
-Drpc-url= - the url of the rpc server
-Dchain-id= - the chain id (0 for the main chain and 3 for ropsten)