The official implementation of ICLR 2023 paper M-L2O: Towards Generalizable Learning-to-Optimize by Test-Time Fast Self-Adaptation.
Learning to Optimize (L2O) has drawn increasing attention as it often remarkably accelerates the optimization procedure of complex tasks by overfitting specific task types, leading to enhanced performance compared to analytical optimizers. Generally, L2O develops a parameterized optimization method (i.e., optimizer) by learning from solving sample problems. This data-driven procedure yields L2O that can efficiently solve problems similar to those seen in training, that is, drawn from the same "task distribution". However, such learned optimizers often struggle when new test problems come with a substantial deviation from the training task distribution. This paper investigates a potential solution to this open challenge, by meta-training an L2O optimizer that can perform fast test-time self-adaptation to an out-of-distribution task, in only a few steps. We theoretically characterize the generalization of L2O, and further show that our proposed framework (termed as M-L2O) provably facilitates rapid task adaptation by locating well-adapted initial points for the optimizer weight. Empirical observations on several classic tasks like LASSO, Quadratic and Rosenbrock demonstrate that M-L2O converges significantly faster than vanilla L2O with only 5 steps of adaptation, echoing our theoretical results.
conda env create -f environment.yml
cd Meta_Train
python --save_path normal_pretrained --problem lasso_train_mix --if_cl=True
cd Meta_Train
python --save_path ml2o_pretrained --if_cl=True
Firstly, run the following commands to generate a few fixed optimizees.
cd Meta_Train
for i in $(seq 1 10); do CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --output_path optimizee_${i}_ros --seed ${i} --problem rosenbrock; done
# Use optimizee_0_ros for example.
cd Meta_Adapt
python --save_path vanilla_rosenbrock --optimizee_path ../MAML_Train/optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --num_epochs 10 --seed 1 --problem rosenbrock
cd ../Meta_Train
python --output_path vanilla_rosenbrock --optimizee_path optimizee_1_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --path ../MAML_Adapt/vanilla_rosenbrock/rp.l2l-final --problem rosenbrock --seed 1
cd Meta_Train
python --output_path direct_transfer_rosenbrock --optimizee_path optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --path ../MAML_Adapt/normal_pretrained/rp.l2l-0 --problem rosenbrock --seed 1
cd MAML_Adapt/
python --save_path transfer_learning_rosenbrock --optimizee_path ../MAML_Train/optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --num_epochs 10 --seed 1 --optimizer_path normal_pretrained/rp.l2l-0 --problem rosenbrock
cd ../MAML_Train/
python --output_path transfer_learning_rosenbrock --optimizee_path optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --path ../MAML_Adapt/transfer_learning_rosenbrock/rp.l2l-0 --problem rosenbrock --seed 1
cd MAML_Adapt/
python --save_path ml2o_rosenbrock --optimizee_path ../MAML_Train/optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --num_epochs 10 --seed 1 --optimizer_path ml2o_pretrained/rp.l2l-0 --problem rosenbrock
cd ../MAML_Train/
python --output_path ml2o_rosenbrock --optimizee_path optimizee_0_ros/initial_optimizee_params.pickle --path ../MAML_Adapt/ml2o_rosenbrock/rp.l2l-0 --problem rosenbrock --seed 1