VRSpeed.run is a central hub to view the leaderboards for the largest virtual reality games in speedrunning.
A writeup that describes the structure behind the JS that makes the site run. Mostly made for me when I need to bugfix this project in 3 months and don't remember how part of it works :)
- main.js - Holds core functions.
- gamedata.js - Handles game data and run loading.
- viewrun.js - Handles loading of individual runs.
- latestwrs.js - Handles displaying of latest world records.
- viewuser.js - Handles loading of individual users.
- status.js - Handles the status page.
- Speedrun.com REST API under CC-BY-NC 4.0
- Splits.io API under AGPL-3.0
Everything below is hosted locally.
- Bulma (v0.7.1) - CSS Framework
- Tippy.js (v6.3.1) - JS Tooltips
- Popper.js (v2.9.2) - Used by Tippy.js
- FontAwesome (v5.15.4) - Icons
- Google Fonts - Fonts