This code further builds onto previous scripts from Muheki et al., 2024. Here, we map the global changes in the frequency, spatial distribution and dependence of co-occurring extreme events under different climate change scenarios.
This repository includes two python scripts used in this anaylsis, namely:
This python script enntails all the functions used in this analysis. Users should first run this script, before running the
This python script entails all the methods used to analyse the dataset using the functions within Users shoud ensure that the, and the datasets are all within the same directory before running this script.
To ensure reproducibility of our analysis, the env_concurrent_extremes.yml provides a clone of our python environment, with all of its packages and versions. Users should use their terminal or an Anaconda Prompt to create their environment using this env_concurrent_extremes.yml. is used in this analysis for the grid cell areas.
Gabriele Messori
Derrick Muheki
Emanuele Bevacqua
Wim Thiery