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LA Crime Data EDA: Unmasking the City’s Dark Secrets 🌆🕵️‍♂️🔍. Step into the gritty underbelly of Los Angeles with this electrifying EDA project! We’re diving deep into the city’s crime data to uncover jaw-dropping trends, shocking patterns, and eye-popping insights. Buckle up for a wild ride through the streets of LA! 👮‍♂️🚔

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Colab Link: View_Me

Dashboard(.pbix) Link: Download_Me

Note: As the dashboard file size is large for github, I have uploded it on drive where you can download the file and view the dynamic dashboard


Screenshot 2024-07-06 180405

Project Objective

The objective of this project is to conduct a comprehensive exploratory data analysis (EDA) of Los Angeles crime data year 2020 and use advanced data visualization techniques and statistical analysis uncover patterns, trends, and insights that can help public safety strategies. Also create a dynamic dashboard using 2020-2024 data which will help LAPD and the locals to enhance their saftey measures.

About Dataset

The dataset consist of 499 rows and 13 columns which include likes of DR_NO[Data Record Number], Date_Rptd, Date_Occ, Area_Name, Crm_Cd(Crime Code), Crm_Cd_Desc(Crime Code Description), Vict_Age, Vict_Sex, Premis_Desc(Premise Description), Status, Loaction, LAT, LAN.

Tools And Libraries Used

  • Google Colab
  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Plotly
  • Folium
  • Power Bi

Steps Performed

1] Dataset Exploration

  • Loading CSV
  • Checking Shape of Dataset
  • Checking Column Datatypes
  • Checking Null Values
  • Identifying Outliers

2] Data Preprocessing

  • Filling Null Values
  • Creating New Columns [Month_Rptd,Year_Rptd,Month_Occ,Year_Occ]
  • Checking Unique values in Columns
  • Creating new categories for analysis purpose by clubbing existing values in column
  • Deleting irrelevent columns for analysis

3] Data visualization

Univariate Analysis

  • Drawing insights by checking distribution for each column at a time using charts like: [Countplot, Histogram, Piechart]

Bivariate Analysis

  • Drawing insights by checking trends and relation between two columns simultaneously using charts like: [Boxplot, Heatmaps, Scatterplot, LinePlot]

Spatial Analysis

  • Plotting Map to visualize hotspots of crime.

Insights Drawn From Analysis

  • 1] Crime Hostpots of LA
  • 2] Top Occuring Crimes in LA
  • 3] Distribution of Victim based on their age
  • 4] Count of crime based on Victim gender
  • 5] Most dangerous premis in LA
  • 6] Popular type of case in LA
  • 7] Dangerious Regions of LA
  • 8] No. of crime reported past years in LA
  • 9] No. of crime reported in each month of 2020 in LA
  • 10] Victims Age in different areas of LA
  • 11] Type of Crime commited in each area in LA
  • 12] Type of Crime commited in different regions of LA
  • 13] Distribution of gender of victim affected from each crime type.
  • 14] Distribution of victims gender and their corrosponding age
  • 15] Age of victims involved in different crime premis
  • 16] Victims age in different regions in LA
  • 17] Corrdinates of Crime hotspots
  • 18] Age of Victms involved in crime reported over different Month in Los Angels
  • 19] Crime Reported over the months for different gender in Los Angels
  • 20] Spatial View of LA


  • 1] Central Region of LA is most dangerous and active when comes to crime
  • 2] Theft is the top Occuring crime of LA
  • 3] Majority of the victims where in their 30s and where Males
  • 4] Streets are the most dangerous premis in LA followed by Sidewalks, Parking Lots, Aprtments etc
  • 5] Majority of the crime were Individul Crime followed by Armed Attacks
  • 6] January and February are the most dangerous month in LA lots of crime occour during this two months foloowed by December

Remember, data analysis is an ongoing adventure. So grab trenchcoat 🕵️‍♂️, investigate further, and keep drawing those insights! 🚨 Feel free to expand upon this conclusion or add any additional findings you discover. Happy analyzing! 😊👮‍♂️🚔


LA Crime Data EDA: Unmasking the City’s Dark Secrets 🌆🕵️‍♂️🔍. Step into the gritty underbelly of Los Angeles with this electrifying EDA project! We’re diving deep into the city’s crime data to uncover jaw-dropping trends, shocking patterns, and eye-popping insights. Buckle up for a wild ride through the streets of LA! 👮‍♂️🚔







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