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class ObjectRenderer

Required header: <Eclog/ObjectRenderer.h>

The ObjectRenderer class represents an object renderer.

Member functions

Name Description
(constructor) Constructor.
beginObject Begins rendering an object.
endObject Ends rendering the current object.
beginArray Begins rendering an array.
endArray Ends rendering the current array.
renderMember Renders a key-value pair.
renderEmptyLines Renders one or more empty lines.
renderComment Renders a comment.
beginInline Begins an inline-block.
endInline Ends an inline-block.
operator RendererHandle Returns a handle to this renderer.


explicit ObjectRenderer(RendererHandle parent);
explicit ObjectRenderer(ObjectRenderer& parent);

Constructs an ObjectRenderer.


RendererHandle parent Handle to the parent renderer.

ObjectRenderer& parent Reference to the parent renderer.


void beginObject(const KeyDesc& key);
void beginObject(const KeyDesc& key, ErrorCode& ec);

Begins rendering an object.

The key-value pairs of the object must be rendered with a new object renderer (an ObjectRenderer instance) constructed from this renderer.

Each call to this method must be paired with a call to endObject.


const KeyDesc& key The description of the key of the nested object.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


void endObject();
void endObject(ErrorCode& ec);

Ends rendering the current object.

The object renderer of the current object, if there is one, is invalidated after this call.


ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently no nested object that is being rendered.

An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a deeply nested object or array that is being rendered.


void beginArray(const KeyDesc& key);
void beginArray(const KeyDesc& key, ErrorCode& ec);

Begins rendering an array.

The values of the array must be rendered with a new array renderer (an ArrayRenderer instance) constructed from this renderer.

Each call to this method must be paired with a call to endArray.


const KeyDesc& key The description of the key of the nested array.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


Ends rendering the current array.

The array renderer of the current array, if there is one, is invalidated after this call.


ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently no nested array that is being rendered.

An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a deeply nested object or array that is being rendered.


void renderMember(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value);
void renderMember(const KeyDesc& key, const ValueDesc& value, ErrorCode& ec);

Renders a key-value pair.


const KeyDesc& key The description of the key.

const ValueDesc& value The description of the value.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


void renderEmptyLines(int count);
void renderEmptyLines(int count, ErrorCode& ec);

Renders one or more empty lines.


int count Number of empty lines.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


void renderComment(cstring comment);
void renderComment(cstring comment, ErrorCode& ec);

Renders a comment.


cstring comment The comment.

ErrorCode& ec Set to indicate what error occurred, if any.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


int beginInline();

Begins an inline-block.

Return value

int The nesting level of the inline block.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.


int endInline();

Ends an inline-block.

Return value

int The nesting level of the inline block.


An InvalidOperation fault occurs if there is currently a nested object or array being rendered.

operator RendererHandle

operator RendererHandle();

Returns a handle to this renderer.

Return value

RendererHandle Handle to this renderer.