Releases: Valorless/ValorlessUtils
v1.10.0.244 Internal Updates
Updated internal libraries to their latest updates, which should support 1.21.1-1.21.3
Commit: 53b89f4
v1.9.0.242 Config Updates
Added: If a config file is found invalid, the file will now be backed up before getting reset!
Changed: Config validation will no longer spam with Config value 'XXXX' is missing, fixing.
, and will instead say New or missing config values have been added.
when done.
Changed: Config validation will no longer say Validating Config
, and will instead say Validating %file%
%file% being like config.yml or lang.yml.
Commit: 524d9b6
v1.8.1.238 Fix
Fixed: The following error: [ValorlessUtils] Failed to resolve server version, some functions might not work correctly.
Fixed: Forgot to update language files.
Commit: a7fdfb4
v. Minecraft 1.21.1
Added: 1.21.1 Support.
Changed: ValorlessUtils.Tags are no longer marked deprecated.
Fixed: Utils.Chance() no longer returns errors, and should work correctly.
Commit: 1fa5825
v. Minecraft 1.21 & NBT Changes
Added: 1.21 Support.
Changed: NBT data is handled differently.
No need to perform changes, as it's still used the same way.
Commit: 22713b7
Full Changelog: 780591f
Fixed an issue causing the config validation system to work incorrectly or not at all.
Compatible with plugins using ValorlessUtils v1.1.0.96.
Full Changelog: d4eb8c0
Minor fixes.
Added SkullCreator.
Added minor systems used by HavenBags.
Compatible with plugins using ValorlessUtils v1.1.0.96.
Full Changelog: c2ece6b
New Config System.
Full Changelog: 8022d01
Removed Lang, as it was causing some issues.
(Beta) ValorlessUtils-
Full Changelog: f70871905cdcaf
Compatible with plugins using v1.0.0.70.
Same functions are used, just some fixed have been applied to them.